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Thursday 29 March 2012

I Want your Girlfriend...

They say I can’t have a girlfriend unless I steal someone else’s. “You will never find a girl who is single, all girls are taken”’ that’s what they say. I admit what people say when they say this makes a great deal of sense. I mean 80% of the women I meet are taken and the remaining 20% are either crazy, have issues or are just not interested. So if I really want to be with someone am sorry but I will have to take your girlfriend.

Call me dumb or slow but I just feel bad about stealing someone’s girlfriend from them intentionally. I mean doesn’t he have the right to love his girlfriend without having someone like me interfere with is relationship? And what if she is everything he has in this crazy messed up world, the only thing giving him joy, peace and keeping him going in a world full of broken dreams, pain, hurt and frustrations?

Then there is that part in the scriptures that says “love your neighbor as you would yourself”. It makes me think:”If it was me would I like having my girlfriend stolen from me? Hell no! If I wouldn’t want that happening to me how then can I want it to happen to someone else and be the cause of that happening to someone? That verse in the bible at this point is very frustrating.

And then there is that other part of scripture that says "You shall not covet [or take as your own] your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor" (Exodus 20:17). I would like to think that “anything belonging to your neighbor” pretty much includes their girlfriend. Plus, if I get into the habit of stealing other people’s girlfriends now how sure am I that I won’t get so used to it that when I grow older I will have no problem stealing my friends’ wives? And if I should steal my friends’ wives wont I be committing adultery, a sin before my God?

To complicate matters if a girl is interested in you she will tell you that she is single even if she is in a relationship so even if you are not interested in stealing her away from her man you will still end up doing it either way out of ignorance of the fact that she is in a relationship.

Furthermore, fact still remains that when you work from 7.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday and Saturdays half day and you have to attend church for half a day on Sundays you don’t really have that much time to meet people, single women included. What time will you rest if you do? So you have to take what is given to you, make the most of every opportunity and unfortunately most of the times people find themselves robbed of a girlfriend or boyfriend because of this justification of theft.

Scripture remains bold, unwavering, unchanging: “Do not conform to the standards of this world”, it says. The standards of this world say to me you are going to wait forever if you insist on not taking someone’s girl, it’s just the way it is. Maybe I will and maybe I won’t, but I will not risk growing up as an adulterer so I do what is right and do not take what doesn’t belong to me to the best of my ability.

Lucius Banda summed it up pretty much: “Ndisiyileni kanga, ndi komwe ndili nako ine, mwa iyeyu ndipeza mtendere, ndisiyileni kanga. Ine ndilibe Hummer, ngakhale TV yomwe ine, mwa iyeyo ndipezamo zonse, ndisiyileni kanga “(or something like that).

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