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Wednesday 12 September 2018

Why we cant see God

My message today is for those who  are not sure God exists. I don’t mean those among us who choose to believe that God does not exist so that they can go on living the life they live the way they want it. I mean those whose intellect allows them to seriously wonder and search for answers. I mean those who are open to discussing it rationally and with an open mind and heart.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

The Inconveniences of God

Most of us do not like to be inconvenienced by God. Rather we dislike it with a passion and treat it as an injustice. When God changes things in our lives and rattles our cage we behave as if we know better how things should be when in fact it is Gods wisdom that matters more and not how our logic dictates things should be.

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Plans He has for Me

This is my testimony for 2017. Ordinarily I would not write this but I have come to find that when I write some get encouraged, others find comfort and some enlightenment and so for that reason, that it may help another to stand in faith in the face of impossible odds I have to speak. If this offends those who took part in the story then I apologize but I am a servant of God first and foremost then of man second, my duty I will do.

Friday 14 July 2017

Enemy of mine

I don’t believe in enemies. I find no satisfaction in holding a grudge so long that it consumes me with a dislike for a person for longer than a day, I just don’t have the emotional strength required to sustain such passion. Nevertheless that does not mean that there are not people out there who consider me their enemy.

Wednesday 21 June 2017

The Fates of our Mothers

Here’s a little something to strengthen your faith and maybe adjust your perspective.

I have shared an office space with a Lawyer for over a year now. He is a remarkable man. He is Muslim and from him I learnt that faith can be just as true for Muslims (and Lawyers) as it is for Christians. His values are flawless, his humility personally shaming. If I was a Muslim I would want to be him.

Friday 28 April 2017

A Farmer and his Three Sons

This tale is intended to help parents understand their children and for children to maybe understand themselves.

Friday 27 January 2017

You are not alone

 Amanda Mchinga 15:38
Are u afraid?

Leo Kamphulusa 15:38