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Wednesday 12 September 2018

Why we cant see God

My message today is for those who  are not sure God exists. I don’t mean those among us who choose to believe that God does not exist so that they can go on living the life they live the way they want it. I mean those whose intellect allows them to seriously wonder and search for answers. I mean those who are open to discussing it rationally and with an open mind and heart.
Igive no definite answer at all, each of us has to find the answer out for themselves and choose whether to believe in God or not. What I aim is to discuss the subject in a way that helps your pursuit for truth.

Firstly, let us talk logic. I hope you will agree with me that out of nothing comes nothing. That is a universal law of nature. Mangoes do not come out of thin air, and neither does money fall from trees. Everything requires some initial action for it to come about. Its simple cause and effect. And it is the same for human beings. Babies are born as a result of a physical union, an action, and in no other way has a normal human being ever been born,  even Adam came out of work. Jesus is excluded from this discussion because I assume I am talking to people who doubt he exists.

It follows therefore that if human life does not come out of thin air then it must have come from somewhere for Adam and Eve  or, if you don’t believe in them, the first man alive to have it. Now there are those who believe that the world and anything in it came out of thin air, purely happened by accident. The Big Bang theory they call it.  This has the implication that human beings were not created but happened by accident and thus there is no God who made man. This understanding has several flaws which I will now attempt to address.

You will remember that in primary school we were introduced to the circle of life/life cycle. For those who don’t clearly remember this is the scientific explanation of life that establishes that nature is an ecosystem where each organism works in harmony with other organisms in a way that sustains all and preserves life and natural balance. In simpe terms, vegetation feeds animals, animals are fed on by men, men contribute fertilizer to the earth when they use the toilet which then allows the earth to regrow the vegetation. The cycle repeats and repeats. Another example of this is the rain cycle.

IF you are one of those who believes that life and human beings just happened my question to you would be then how does an accident create life in such an orderly way that  the ecosystem and the  rain cycle continue to happen the same way as they have all along without altogether changing? An accident presupposes that there was no thought beforehand which would have guided how life would turn out. If there was no premeditation, how is it possible that there are so many interdependencies between man and nature and even nature and nature. If nothing comes out of nothing is it possible that these careful relationships just happened by themselves? Did Winter, Summer, Autumn and Spring just decide by themselves to interchange the same way one after the other forever? Really?  Did the Sun really just decide it will only appear for 12 hours and no more, and the moon also for 12 hours and no more?

I don’t believe so. In fact, everything in nature points to an intelligence that created systems within systems deliberately, purposefully, carefully. To those who need further discussion, let us discuss the subject further by talking a little human psychology. As you may know Psychology can be loosely defined as the study of everything that concerns the human brain and how it works. I am no expert on the subject but allow me to share some insight that I have learnt from it.

According to psychology, all human senses appear to exist primarily for the security of the human being that they belong to, every other function they provide is secondary. Thus we have sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste primarily as defense mechanisms. Each of those senses when excited sends a signal to our brains, each according to the organ that is responsible. What the eye sees it sends to the brain and what the touch receptors on your fingertips feel is sent to the brain as well and so on and so forth. Allow me to draw your attention to the fact that nowhere ever has it happened that what the eye sees is received as sound and never is a smell interpreted by the brain as a color or black and white picture. Each organ is separate and performs the specific duty assigned to it. And this is for all the billions of people on earth who have been gifted all the five senses. Why? Why is it so orderly and why does it not vary so the ear can see and the mouth can hear? If life is an accident then accidents should be everywhere.

How do these organs work so perfectly yet each depending on each other just as much as the brain depends on all of them to have a complete picture? I delight in reminding you that the nervous system is only one system in the human body. Besides it you have the digestive system, circulatory system, and even the reproductive system. All of them work interdependently with each other to sustain life, where one stops the other takes over naturally. The human body demonstrates that not only was mathematics, physics , chemistry and biological engineering used in creating life but that wisdom and understanding went into it as well. This implies that if nothing else was then at least the human being was created out of intelligence and great thought. Now those of us familiar with accidents will agree with me that accidents demand no such order at all. A head on collision does not look pretty and orderly, and if you drop your tea cup it does not break up into nice pieces of equal shape, instead you have various geometric shapes and you wont even find a circle among them.

If you agree with the logic of all that has been said here I presume the burning question would be, If God is real then where is he and why cant we see him? In all honesty I have no idea where that guy is but maybe I might help you understand why we cant see him. You have heard it said by many men of God that the reason we do not see God is because we are very sinful human beings. I disagree and I challenge that the reason why we do not see God is merely because we lack the physical capacity to see him.

To illustrate allow me to take you back to psychology. It is said that the five senses are able to detect things only up to a certain point after which they cease to detect anymore. A good example of this is light which we can only see to a certain brightness after which if the brightness increases we cease to detect any change. I believe it is such physical limitations that restrict us from seeing God. We have been made to certain specifications and requirements all of which do not allow us to “see” some things. Consider this, what would happen if the senses in the eye were connected to the area in the brain responsible for receiving sound and the area responsible for receiving pictures was connected to the ear?

If that happened then it would open up a whole lot of possibilities. To use a borrowed phrase, “if that happened then we would be able to see thunder and to hear lightening ” . It is said Eli’s servant could only see the army of angels that came to his masters aid after Eli asked God to open his eyes and allow him to see. We can not see God because we are naturally and I dare say deliberately tuned into a wavelength that can not sense God physically. With a little tuning we should be able to, that’s why its said in heaven we will see God, its possible.

As for why we are not allowed to see God I believe it is a matter of faith. Everyone can believe what they see with their own two eyes but few can believe what they have not seen. You have heard it said seeing is believing. Unfortunately for us this God does not believe seeing is believing, it is my belief that he prefers you choose him without having seen him because it will be a conscious choice made without coercion. If we were able to see him we would all choose him just by virtue of the majesty and power we would see him exude, thus most if not all of us would be forced into bowing to him and he cares not for what you express outwardly but prefers what you express in your heart for only there is it truly sincere. Now if you cant see him then the only way you can choose him is in your heart.

Consider this. Why does life by its very nature ask questions of each of us? Questions like where did life come from and why are we here and for what purpose? It would seem life is designed to make us look for God and that is no accident.  Without him in the picture all life is meaningless. Think about that.

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