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Wednesday 9 May 2018

The Inconveniences of God

Most of us do not like to be inconvenienced by God. Rather we dislike it with a passion and treat it as an injustice. When God changes things in our lives and rattles our cage we behave as if we know better how things should be when in fact it is Gods wisdom that matters more and not how our logic dictates things should be.

God gives us many things. Good health, families, jobs, cars, wealth. If you are a believer in God then you know that everything good proceeds from the hand of God. And as surely as he gives us such things he has the ability to take it all away. We do not like it when he takes things away but in actual truth we should, for it is God’s wisdom that matters more than how we think things should be.

It is much the same way when God takes us from a path in which we are secure, have all we need and are comfortable in then puts us upon a path which we are unsure of, where everything is not okay, one which unsettles us. Our minds tell us things should not be like this and our hearts tell us everything is all wrong.

But why do we all choose to look at the trials of Job from afar and think we are exempt from them? The trials of Job may not happen to us on such a grand scale as they did to him, but they continue to happen to many people every day. People lose their fortunes, their loved ones, their families, and their health every day. Sometimes all at once but mostly one person only gets to endure one major hardship at a time. One major inconvenience.

Why do we tell ourselves that such things can not happen to us, would not happen to us, should not happen to us? It is a mistaken assumption in such circumstances to think that our way of seeing such situations is right, for we are given only a part of wisdom and not all of it. It is another mistaken assumption to think that the way we believe our life should go is the best.

I have come to see and can testify that the Lord he is God. And in his hands no experience (good or bad) is misused or a waste of time. Can you imagine a mind that is 100 steps ahead of you all the time? Would you dare play chess with such a mind and if you did would you win? It would be futile. Yet we dare to want to hold our fate in our own hands and determine how things should go in our lives when in fact we can’t even see one step ahead of ourselves but can only hope it will be as we hope it will.

I pray that we will not lose our faith because of the inconveniences God causes us. And I pray that we
will yield our lives more each day to the will of God, accepting it to be perfect and true whether it brings us misfortune or inconvenience. The true test of Job was not to see how strong he would be in the face of adversity. It was rather a test of whether he would still walk with God in spite of all the adversity he experienced after having had so much bounty.

So the next time your life changes for the worst, or things do not move for you as quickly as you would like, remember that the goal of the Christian walk is not to live in comfort but to experience God through whatever life he chooses to give you. And if you prevail the blessing will be yours and the glory will be His. For surely he is not always busy sculpting your life and taking pains to inconvenience you for nothing. Rather if you stick around you will understand the reason for each season and if you stray then you will never understand and so will not reap any visible profit from it.

These things I have seen and can testify, that the Lord he is good and that he loves us all. All he has us go through is for good reason and towards some purpose. What is required is patience and faith and prayer unceasing. With these things we will all prevail and we will all be okay. The Lord knows best and this is a true and faithful saying. Blessed be the works of the hands of the Lord now and forever, may they bear fruit that is pleasing in the eyes of our Master. Yes may they, for they have a direct bearing and consequence on our very lives. Peace be with you.

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