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Friday 27 January 2017

You are not alone

 Amanda Mchinga 15:38
Are u afraid?

Leo Kamphulusa 15:38

Amanda Mchinga 15:38
New things always

Leo Kamphulusa 15:40
I guess. You ever feel like you are not really alive? As in life is happening and you are not really a part of it. I feel my days passing but nothing excites me, im just a robot passing through time, no passion whatsoever

Amanda Mchinga 15:40
u and me both
maybe me worse
iv no plan of where i want to go or be
i dont c me content and stuck
no desire no dream

Leo Kamphulusa 15:43
And people who have ideas and ambitions make you feel like an idiot for being this way. And yet its not by choice, this is just who i am and i dont know why. But no, you should be like this, where do you see yourself in 5 years, be ambitious, you need to be more confident. And i really dont get why i need to be all those things coz i really dont care

Amanda Mchinga 15:43
we are dead i guess

Leo Kamphulusa 15:45
hihihihihih we are.  I feel like im living waiting to die coz i really dont see my life achieving anything when i weigh my days. Not that i think of myself as unable to achieve but that in the grand scheme of things what is my life's worth/purpose

Amanda Mchinga 15:45
am just glad am not alone
Leo i always thot i was abnormal and alone

Leo Kamphulusa 15:47
Then God sent you me. I take comfort in knowing that God has a plan even if i cant see it. Thats the only way i keep going. Otherwise i would have hanged myself years ago coz i get tired of life

Amanda Mchinga 15:47
am just that depressed
i keep asking myself why am i here?
even if i get my degree then what??

Leo Kamphulusa 15:50
Theoreticlly speaking, i think we are thinking and feeling those things more and more because God is about to show us why we are here. We can only appreciate our purpose i guess only if we see the lack of it or something like that. What sort of fucked up am i when the only time i am truly happy is when i read a book or watch a movie? I feel out of place in this world
i just wanna go home

Amanda Mchinga 15:52
now u understand my story
i feel am wierd and from another planet, i feel i dont belong here
no one gives a damn about me, feel am just an oxygen consumer and failing to contribute to this life

Leo Kamphulusa 15:54
You think our spirits could be that sensitive that they know they dont belong here and feel heaven calling?
Its a sad thing when you cant speak to your spouse about this because they could never understand, you cant explain it in words enough for them to grasp just how you really feel. Its even much more sadder since its very possible they sometimes feel the same way too and just cant speak about it

Amanda Mchinga 15:55
I know

This one’s for those of us who are messed up and losing it. Hold on, one day at a time take. No shortcuts to Heaven. This life cant be bought nor sold just play your cards then fold (live the life you are given, be the person you are, then move on to what comes next after this life). In the words of Bob Marley, “we will never give up the fight. Never give up the fight.”

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