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Wednesday 11 January 2017


I would like to share some thoughts on sacrifices. In 2017 I have been feeling more and more aware of the sacrifices I have been making in the name of my faith. The biggest sacrifice I made when I got married. I am aware that on my wedding day I sacrificed a dozen or so sexual encounters with different honeys of the born more beautiful each year variety.

Also, I was offered a sexual relationship by a married woman once. I sacrificed that in the name of my faith. At another time I was offered K180,000 by a service provider, clearly a bribe so I could offer him business next time, I gave that up too in the name of Jesus. Each month I give up 10 percent of my monthly earnings to the church, each month a sacrifice is made. I am in charge  of company money sometimes, if I fail to use it all I have to give it back. I guess the feeling of loss I get when I give it back means that I have sacrificed too, for it is just as easy for me to evaporate a good portion of it and no one would be the wiser with the proofs of use I would provide.

It seems believers are asked to make many sacrifices, some very great others seemingly insignificant. It seems we are staking a lot on that the God we serve will be faithful enough to honor our sacrifices. Better yet, it seems we are staking a lot on that he will even care that we have sacrificed at all. I am writing this at about 2 am in the morning, the thought that the sacrifice of my sleep in order to write this may not be honoured and rewarded is not very inspiring.

I like to describe a sacrifice as a letting go of a once in a lifetime opportunity. It can be an opportunity to make money, experience great pleasure or practice great personal freedom to act as one wishes. I like to think of sacrifices as a good measurement of where we are in our walk with God. You can either waver towards sacrificing or you can waver to the opposite direction and sacrifice nothing.

You will find that those who sacrifice a lot are walking a much more righteous path than those who
sacrifice nothing. It is the nature of faith, perhaps that’s one meaning of the term “leap of faith”. More important than the sacrifices themselves is that they be made from a righteous heart. Whether righteous or wrongly intended the question remains “Will God honor at all in any way the sacrifices we make here on earth, will he at all remember that I let that K180,000 go?”. We hear of a Record of Wrongs which will determine our availability in the Book of Life, is there then a Record of Rights?”

We might find ourselves asking that question every time we are called to sacrifice something on regard of our faith. The way we answer that question each time will determine whether we act more righteously or whether we act more carelessly. The answer to that question requires a deep trust and a rich faith in the nature of the God we follow. When you dig deep in your heart do you believe the Lord your God is not deceitful? How well do you know your God? Most importantly does he care about what you do?

In my opinion and experience my God has proven himself already and I know what kind of being he is and the nature of his disposition as regards honor, for me that is sorted. My question to you is where is the lever on your sacrifice meter pointing? Is it “turned off” and you stopped sacrificing or is it pointing at “red hot” and you sacrifice constantly? Or are you lukewarm  and in the middle? It is written that he wishes you were either warm or cold, and he will spit you out if you are neither (Rev 3:15).

I thought I was done writing these things for I felt the Holy Spirit had deserted me. And then one of you inboxed me one sentence, “Tend my sheep” he said. It seems the heavenly beings are not done with me yet, for the fire is burning once more in my chest as it did ages ago. In that regard ignore at your own risk. Enough said. He who has an ear let him hear.

“Behold what manner of man is this, what manner of Man is He? He is the Lord of Glory, he is the great I am. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. His name is wonderful, the Prince of Peace is He. He is the everlasting father throughout eternity”-Gospel Way Songbook #304

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