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Wednesday 15 June 2016

Welcome to "The Good Life"

There is a saying in English that I take solace in when the world becomes a bit too complicated to understand, it goes like this: “God made man very simple, but man has made his life very complicated”.

It’s a fact God made man very simple. He did not create the first man with lofty plans and billionaire intentions. No He gave him a simple life with simple instructions. Tend the garden He said, care for the animals He said. Simple and straight-forward. Out of the whole nation of Israel it was only Joseph in his time who is recorded to have done something of significance. And Moses in his time was alone. Even the disciples in their time were but 12.

Modern men on the other hand all want to be great. To have riches that will last them to the grave and beyond, and to be recorded in the Guinness World Records as having lived a fantastic life more than all else. We all want the stature of a CEO and even the men of God all want to be second only to Jesus. We want to look better than each other, eat more than the other and have more than the other, in wealth, respect, or even sexual partners.

God made man simple. He did not create man with breakthrough or deliverance in mind. His intention when he made you and me was not that we would queue for anointing, or that we would beg for “favour” from men of God. Adam, Abraham, Isaac did not claim hidden blessings in the heavens nor did they feel they deserved miracles. Even Jacob asked that the Angel of God bless him, he did not just “receive it” as if clutching it from the air.

But you and me are born in a time when most want breakthroughs, deliverance or even miracles on every bellyache, stomachache and butt ache we experience whether they really exist or are just perceived. And for that we forgo the amazing work God does in our lives of shaping us by hardship that builds perseverance and perseverance that builds faith and faith that builds character.

God made you and me simple but we have made ourselves very complicated. Male and female He created them. He did not create a middle ground where a male could say he was female or vice versa. But we see these days man wanting to be female and a female wanting to be male. And it gets much more complicated when you get to those who consider themselves to be transgender, being neither wholly male nor wholly female but rather being both at the same time. Throw in also those who consider themselves bisexual and have sexual relations with both male and female. My head spins from all those variations. So when a man has sex with a transgender female he is in fact sleeping with a fellow man and committing buggery? How we have complicated ourselves.

God made man simple. In his simplicity God gave him free will but he also gave him an intellect with which he could properly apply his free will in a manner that would benefit him and guide him through the decisions he would have to make in life. We want free will but forgo the application of the intellect we were given.

What really would you mean when time comes and you say you are living the good life? Are you sure we were all created to be great men? Were we all really created to be CEOs and rich men? Will we have satisfaction and peace when we are ceaselessly pursuing success and breakthroughs? Are we really living the good life when we let free will and human rights pervert the natural order of things and sometimes even the will of God himself?

It is written, God gave every man his place in life and planned where he would live, what he would be, what he would become and how he would get there (Jer 29v11; Psalms 139).  As for me I may not know where I will end up, but as long as Jehovah is my God I know I will get there eventually. And I prefer to enjoy the journey there and my place in the world rather than waste my years pursuing wealth, in-existent breakthrough, or morally damaging free will.

The greatest blessing, miracle, breakthrough, success, good life is the ability to live each day and to live healthy lives. Everything else is a bonus and should not make or break us whether or not we have it. I wish you peace, wisdom, healthy lives and God’s provision. I do not wish you success, breakthrough or free will. It may not be good for you.

Long Live the King, Alpha and Omega

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