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Wednesday 21 June 2017

The Fates of our Mothers

Here’s a little something to strengthen your faith and maybe adjust your perspective.

I have shared an office space with a Lawyer for over a year now. He is a remarkable man. He is Muslim and from him I learnt that faith can be just as true for Muslims (and Lawyers) as it is for Christians. His values are flawless, his humility personally shaming. If I was a Muslim I would want to be him.

While I can safely say he is the best officemate I have ever had the plan was not always that he share an office with me. Originally I was meant to share the office with a much older lady and he was to conduct business in an office a floor below. This all changed because when we were moving to this new office building from the previous one his boss saw the space I was working in and figured it was more convenient for him to share a space with me so he could be within walking distance.

His boss then pulled the necessary strings which saw him moved from the floor below and the elder lady confined to my friends assigned office space instead. The lady was not very pleased with the change but I should say she accepted the changes with good grace considering her new office was designed for one person and she was to share it with another individual including their combined furniture.

While I remember commiserating with her on her misfortune and mumbling a few things on how much bureaucracy is a bitch and the world so unfair I was not really that sad to see her go. Frankly speaking she is more or less a decade or two older than me so I traded her in for a younger model which I felt would be easier to relate to and conversate with. I judged her as someone from an entirely opposite walk of life from me and said to myself it was better this way.

Since that time a year and some months have passed. My officemate and me have cultivated good understanding, mutual trust, and respect. We hold conversations on politics, religion, life and even the devil’s own mischief. I respect his opinion and I have faith in him and the person he will become. We need more of him in this country.

For the past two weeks I have been on annual leave and reported for duty on the 12th of June. I found on my return that my officemate had during my leave packed his stuff and moved to new quarters which had been recently vacated by his former immediate superior. On orders from his new immediate superior he was asked to change offices. On orders from the same immediate superior I find myself now welcoming a new officemate, the elderly lady who was the one originally assigned to share an office with me. It turns out her immediate superior is the same immediate superior for my Muslim friend and he wants her to be within walking distance from him as is my Muslim friend.

The moral of the story is this. God is never early and is never late, he just does things in his own time. If something is yours then it will come sooner or later. Despite the workings of men God has still worked it out that she gets what was originally due to her. We may never know why she had to wait a year to get her due, maybe she had to go through a few things first or maybe she had to make some impact on the person she shared an office with previously. Or maybe I needed to grow.

What is without doubt is that the fates as determined by God will get it right for you no matter how long you have to wait or the obstacles you face. Keep your head up and shoulders squared, have faith in your God and trust him more. Your future is certain, it is not dependent on a rolling of the dice. He will get you wherever you need to get and will give you all he has planned for you and I believe that will be exceedingly abundantly more than you yourself even dare hope. For the Scripture does not lie when it says, "Whoever believes in him will not be disappointed." (Romans 10:11-World English Bible).

“From life's first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny. No power of hell, nor scheme of man, Can ever pluck me from His hand; Till He returns or calls me home, Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.”-Owl City (In Christ Alone)

It is so.

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