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Friday 14 July 2017

Enemy of mine

I don’t believe in enemies. I find no satisfaction in holding a grudge so long that it consumes me with a dislike for a person for longer than a day, I just don’t have the emotional strength required to sustain such passion. Nevertheless that does not mean that there are not people out there who consider me their enemy.

The following is a retelling of a true story. There is a lady I know, married with two kids. She works as Receptionist at one of the big brands in Blantyre. I have known her for some 2 years or so, and in that time I have never seen her fight or get angry with anyone. In one of my chats with her I got to hear an interesting experience of hers, maybe it may benefit you.

She tells of one time her next door neighbour’s housemaid passed by her home to say goodbye on her way to her home village. The maid told of how she had been fired because she refused to carry out one of her mistress’ commands. The mistress had commanded that she carry some magical potion to my friend’s house and deposit it there so that it may induce my friend’s housemaid to desert her work.
And this was not the first time either. Previously she had commanded a previous maid to deliver some herbs and artefacts that would cause my friend’s marriage to end. Maybe it was the fear of God in her but the maid instead brought the items to my friend and displayed them in her plain sight.

Reported speech from the woman of ill intent is said to come out as being “who does she think she is? why does she want to be good to everyone all the time?” and even “does she think the things she has others also have?” The woman has been said to have confessed to her maid that she has tried many different ways to start a quarrel with my friend including diverting drain water into my friends compound as well as other like-minded attempts. The objective has been said that the quarrel would create an environment that would be conducive for the woman’s charms to work. Innocently unaware of all that was going on my friend treated each attempt with a carefree attitude and never even once thought of confronting the woman.

Now seeing as how this is reported speech I am well aware that each telling comes with embellishments. While that may be true here am hoping that the essence of what is going on here will be impressed on your mind. You in your care-free life, having no quarrels with anyone or malicious intent towards friend, neighbour or foe might think yourself out of harms way by the fact that you hold your peace and mind your own business. The truth though is that the devil is alive and he is working through the sons of men.

I am one of those people who like to mind my own business, keep to my home, avoid fights and even more avoid having enemies. I realize now that even I am not safe. For this crazy woman is not attacking my friend because she fights with her but rather it is despite the fact that she does not fight with her. In our eyes our lives might be simple and insignificant. We may think others better than us and wish we were better off. But realize that the mere fact that you go to work each day, have a car, have children, have a peaceful home or even just that you eat every day in your home might be a burden in someone’s life that causes them to passionately hate you. And let’s not forget the countless stories of the enmities people have because of a perceived sleight which in actual fact never occurred at all.

Let us not forget to pray for our homes, our spouses, our children and even ourselves. Evil is just a breathe away waiting to touch you. For your own sakes pray without ceasing. It is because of these prayers that some of these things pass us by.

“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone” and “Do not plan to harm your neighbour, when he is living peacefully beside you”.  “The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children” –Rom 12:18, Prov 3:29, Roms 8:16.

God will reveal them to you.

It is so.

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