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Tuesday 13 March 2012

I Say it because I Love You

I saw a man die in my arms today. He was my grandfather. What started as mild discomfort because of rapid heart palpitations turned into one big seizure. I saw the extremely rapid heartbeats and placed my hand over his chest to cool it down. Then I saw the seizure come, slowly it started with a groan until finally it shook his whole body and made him wince with pain.

I called for the houseboy to bring me a towel to cool him down but no one responded. I called to my grandmother who was peacefully sleeping close by but she didn’t wake up to assist me. Till there was nothing left and he was gone.

Its only two minutes later when I woke up that I found out it was all a dream. But when I woke up I said the following quick prayer as I have been taught to do whenever I dream something bad: Lord I don’t want you to take him because we still need a father. But if it is your wish that he be taken from us then thy will be done. If there is  a way for me to inherit some of his spirit then Lord give it to me that I inherit the following; Give me his ability to distinguish right from wrong and his way of knowing the best thing to do in every situation. Give me his ability to be bold and to persevere in the face of trouble and to make a way even when things are at their worst. Give me his humble spirit and his nature of kindness, mercy and forgiveness. Give me the ability to have the faith in you that he had.

After that dream am reminded of how fragile life can be, one minute it’s there and the next it’s gone. You can’t negotiate with the Angel of Death when he comes for you. You can’t ask for a minute to make your life right and to make yourself presentable before God. You will be lucky if you even see your death coming.

Yet every man lives like he has all the time in the world to prepare. He says fun now and when he is older he will change his ways yet he doesn’t even know how long he will live. The sudden appearance of death is the reason why the church goes on and on about why we should all change our ways and live a life that is acceptable to God. Man says he will change his life on day three but dies on day two.

Because we have all been warned to change our ways before our time runs out God will have no mercy. He gave us a warning, we either listened to it or did not. If we ignored it or put it off till later that’s not his fault now is it?

“He has showed you, O man what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”-Micah 6:8.

Whatever our sins it’s time we cleaned up our lives and gave ourselves over to obeying of Jehovah’s holy word. I may be a sinner but I know one day someone will be told he saw this piece of writing but still would not repent of his sins when the Judgment Day of the Lord comes. My job is always simple, to speak to you the word of God and lead you to him and his ways. Whether you listen to me or not is not my problem nor is it of significance. I have done my job, I wash my hands off you.

PS: Written on 23 February 2012 

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