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Friday 9 March 2012

How you know she truly loves you

I am now just boyfriend material. A year from now I will be 25 and at that point I will become marriage material for I will then be considered eligible to marry by women from that age onwards and below. The next five years of my life (from 25 to 30) should then be very interesting.

They will be interesting in that I will have a wider range of women to choose from. I will have the usual desperate women trying to get me to marry them, plus teenagers, women in their early 20’s and even in their 30’s. I can pick the finest of women in beauty and fashion, or I can pick the worst of whores just for kicks, my choice entirely.

When your hands are that full of women it’s hard to decide on whom to settle on as a choice. What does a man do when he is faced with a choice between an average woman, a pretty woman and a beautiful woman? He picks the beautiful woman. What happens then when he has to choose between three equally beautiful but unique women? He looks at their character. What this stands to prove is that while beauty is still man’s primary motivator, character remains the most important quality of a woman. This is a testament to the saying that “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised (Proverbs 31:30)”.

Judging a woman’s true character however is no mean feat. A woman is many things but most of all she is as cunning as a fox. At the time you marry her you will be lucky if you know 30% of the real person she is(that is what she really thinks about you, what she really wants from life, what she is really doing when she is not with you, what really motivates her in the relationship and how exactly her mind works). This can be attributed to the amazing ability women have of getting under a man’s skin and adapting to that man’s nature, likes and lifestyle so well that they get him fooled into thinking they are a particular sort of woman for a very long period of time.

Women are great listeners, watchers and pretenders. They will look at a man, listen to him and show him a character that he wants to see based on the things he says and shows he likes in his ideal woman. 80% of the times men cannot tell they are being fooled, women are that good.

Women are blessed with charm so you will never suspect them of such things, they seem fragile and meek when in fact they are stronger than men in spirit, emotionally and in scheming. To suspect someone of being a thief that person must either look like a thief or someone must tell you they suspect them of being so. With women they don’t look deceitful most of the times and no one usually tells you so you can’t win against their superior brains.

Since man is destined to be united to them then what can we men do to ensure that we are not being fooled? Simple, you look at them from the perspective of the one thing they cannot fake, their heart. Don’t misunderstand me here, I have proven that women can successfully pretend for a long period of time that they love you and you can swear on it that they truly do. If they can fake their love, a thing that comes from the heart, what then can you do? You look at the quality of the love.

One most important thing I have noticed is that when a woman truly loves from her heart you can feel it strongly not just when you are together but even when you are miles apart and that is something no woman can control no matter how genius, crafty or ambidextrous she is. When you can honestly, doubtlessly and completely feel they truly love you when you are apart then they love you. But if you have doubts, whether strong ones or not, run and hide. Or be careful and watch them closely. Listen to their hearts, the things they say when they are angry, sad and disappointed in you. Or the things they let slip out of their mouths unknowingly.

Some women might call you on the phone when you are far away, this might make you think or feel like they love you, but no. They should be able to not say a word or do anything but still make you believe strongly that they love you as well as make you trust them.

Keep this in mind always:  “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres” (1 Corinthians 13:4)

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