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Thursday 29 March 2012

I Want your Girlfriend...

They say I can’t have a girlfriend unless I steal someone else’s. “You will never find a girl who is single, all girls are taken”’ that’s what they say. I admit what people say when they say this makes a great deal of sense. I mean 80% of the women I meet are taken and the remaining 20% are either crazy, have issues or are just not interested. So if I really want to be with someone am sorry but I will have to take your girlfriend.

Call me dumb or slow but I just feel bad about stealing someone’s girlfriend from them intentionally. I mean doesn’t he have the right to love his girlfriend without having someone like me interfere with is relationship? And what if she is everything he has in this crazy messed up world, the only thing giving him joy, peace and keeping him going in a world full of broken dreams, pain, hurt and frustrations?

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Imagine Me

Imagine a guy who falls in love with his dream girl. He courts the said lady, does everything right and convinces her to marry him. The marriage takes place, a very wonderful affair that is full of great memories, family and friends, the best thing that ever happened to him.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Case No. 143: Traditional Medicine Vs The Church

Traditional healers are frowned upon by the church yet the word of God clearly states that it is acceptable for Gods people to use traditional medicine. I bet you didn't know that.

It is written: “Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing (Ezekiel 47:12)." This was a message from the Angel of God to Ezekiel a prophet concerning the future of the Israelites and how they were to conduct themselves when they returned from exile in Babylon.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

The Wretched of Men

They said there was a God out there. That I could call unto him and he would answer my prayer. They said he was faithful, he would never leave me nor forsake me, he would be there when I needed him the most and even when I did not feel I needed him. But you are not there are you Lord?

You said in your word if I prayed with all my heart in righteousness and faith you would hear and come to my aid. So I prayed one way and then another and you are still nowhere to be seen. I have prayed with all my heart, and prayed with all my soul then prayed with all my spirit. But my prayers fall on deaf ears, the one who calls himself my God shows his back to me and not his face.

Thursday 15 March 2012

To my Proud Homosexuals

I think it is very funny when a human being will do all sorts of things to change the natural way of things but by it still end up proving that God was right all along. Gay men and lesbian women say they do not approve of being in a relationship with a sex different from theirs, but their actions prove they are liars.

Firstly, look at a gay couple. In such a relationship you will find one of the two will acquire the mannerisms of a female. The weaker of the two will wear make-up, female clothes and apparel. He will acquire female mannerisms and habits such as female tone of voice, way of laughing, body language and movement. This will be vice versa in a lesbian couple. One girl will don a tougher attitude and will be more domineering than the other, initiating things in the relationship as a male would.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

I Say it because I Love You

I saw a man die in my arms today. He was my grandfather. What started as mild discomfort because of rapid heart palpitations turned into one big seizure. I saw the extremely rapid heartbeats and placed my hand over his chest to cool it down. Then I saw the seizure come, slowly it started with a groan until finally it shook his whole body and made him wince with pain.

I called for the houseboy to bring me a towel to cool him down but no one responded. I called to my grandmother who was peacefully sleeping close by but she didn’t wake up to assist me. Till there was nothing left and he was gone.

Friday 9 March 2012

How you know she truly loves you

I am now just boyfriend material. A year from now I will be 25 and at that point I will become marriage material for I will then be considered eligible to marry by women from that age onwards and below. The next five years of my life (from 25 to 30) should then be very interesting.

They will be interesting in that I will have a wider range of women to choose from. I will have the usual desperate women trying to get me to marry them, plus teenagers, women in their early 20’s and even in their 30’s. I can pick the finest of women in beauty and fashion, or I can pick the worst of whores just for kicks, my choice entirely.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

The Eternal Bachelor

Marriage is no bed of roses. Your hopes are crushed, your dreams sacrificed, freedoms limited, way of life changed. You are constantly facing one problem after another, if it’s not your partner having mood swings it’s your kids crying all night and keeping you awake.

Then you have to factor in that the person you marry changes over time. They do not stay the same person you were attracted to, they change for better or worse emotionally and physically as your circumstances and lifestyle changes. Such changes do little to help the married couple.

Friday 2 March 2012

When Women Marry

20% of women get married because of circumstance.30% of them will marry because they want to. The remaining 50% however get married in-order to escape some difficult emotional, psychological or financial situation that they are in.

The 20% that marry because of circumstance are those women who find themselves in marriage because of pregnancy or some such happenstance. For these there isn’t much to do but to make their situation the best it can be. It just happened after all, there is nothing else that can be done to reverse it without creating even more damage to their lives. Some live out their marriages happily and some don’t, it’s just the way it is and its best to accept it.