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Tuesday 25 November 2014

Forget me Not

I forgot to pray this morning. That’s not really true, I didn’t feel like praying this morning so I just got up, took a shower, said goodbye to the wife and kids and left for work. I like playing music when I drive. And I was feeling quite good this morning so I had the radio on quite loud. I was driving okay, till I noticed the right-end rear of my car tilt significantly down and the car vibrating and misaligned. I wondered what that was about, probably a flat tyre, then I saw my back tyre overtake me by the right and speed ahead of me. That’s when I hit the brakes.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Blessed be he who blesses

My friend. I searched for a gift to give you, a gift that would be meaningful to you and give you much happiness. But alas I could not find it.

Tuesday 19 August 2014

He said, she said, they said, I heard

Am sick and tired of being sick and tired of all of you. Liars, backbiters, tale-bearers, busybodies. You brood of vampires and vipers who feed off the lives of others. You waste my time. Mind your own business.

I get tired of listening to what they have to say. One comes and says “I heard your Uncle was caught doing this, that, and other”. Another comes and says “your Aunt was caught red handed with another man, pants down and bent over”. Yet another comes and says “your Grandfather has a second family in another country” etc.

Thursday 14 August 2014

Fool Fool Boy

I heard it through the office grapevine, a disturbing piece of news. Apparently, I am planning to buy a car. Apparently, someone told my boss, who told someone else, who told me. A Nissan Tiida, so I hear. I would be inclined to disbelieve the gossip but the one who told me was a reliable source. Well, as reliable as human beings can be.

Thursday 15 May 2014

Orders from Above

I have suicidal tendencies. Don’t get me wrong, when I say that I don’t mean I want to hang myself with a rope on a tree, jump in front of a speeding truck, drink poison, or simply drown myself. I just want to die. Sometimes anyway.

Life tires me. I get tired of waking up every day to go to work, of pretending to listen to people who are less intelligent than me. I get tired of pretending I am interested in the world and how things work, of listening to the radio or TV telling us how wicked men can be to each other. I get tired of my sins, of repenting of them, then going back to do what I said I wouldn’t, and starting the cycle all over again.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Too Sexy for you Boy

Men are increasingly obsessed about how good the woman they are with looks. Even the bible-thumping “Men of God” will rarely tell an ugly chick that “God has revealed to them” that they are to be united in marriage.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Akutauni abwera!

Once upon a time I considered myself a righteous man. In the past year I have re-evaluated that way of thinking. For the devil has tried to get inside of my soul and from the look of things he has greatly succeeded. I no longer consider myself a righteous man, for I am now neither fit to lick the feet of my God and neither am I fit to stand anywhere He can see me. That is how sinful I have become.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Father Time, Mother Nature

“Many of you don’t care about me, it’s a shame really because you will never know how beautiful and fulfilling a life you can have with me in it. Most of you don’t know me, that’s okay, you can still get to know me today. A lot of you think I don’t exist, you are entitled to your opinion but how about giving me the benefit of the doubt?

Wednesday 29 January 2014

There be Taxes in Heaven

Life is so unfair. Here I am with a blessing on my life 10 times my size yet there is someone out there who not only needs it more but deserves it much much more than me. I have blessings coming out of my nostrils and backside yet a man with 3 kids has not even a quarter of what I have been given as my life stands right now.

I sit and ask myself,” Am I more worthy than they who are not as fortunate as me?”

Tuesday 7 January 2014

The “One God” Theory

Every religion claims that it worships the true God and that there is one God under the sun. Humans add to this and say “there is one God but that men worship this God differently, so live and let live, let the religions live side by side peacefully.” Yet others say what differs is the name given to the God alone.  When one adds these three statements together one comes off with the view that “there is one God but what varies is the way men of the earth worship Him, to each his own.”