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Tuesday 4 February 2014

Father Time, Mother Nature

“Many of you don’t care about me, it’s a shame really because you will never know how beautiful and fulfilling a life you can have with me in it. Most of you don’t know me, that’s okay, you can still get to know me today. A lot of you think I don’t exist, you are entitled to your opinion but how about giving me the benefit of the doubt?

Many of you pray to me, you jump about, shiver and tremble trying to prove to those who observe you that you are holy. You waste your time and energy for if you go into a room by yourself, lock it, kneel down and pray I hear you even much more than when you are shouting your incoherent phrases.
 A lot of you curse me, wondering why I have allowed your lives, and the world, to get to the state they are
in. You don’t understand. All the pain, diseases and hurt in the world must happen if mankind is to be saved at all.

Many of you think I don’t care about them. They think I love them not if I allowed them to have such a miserable and sad life, if I allowed them to beg on the streets or know hunger and poverty. Little do they know that out of all the lives I would have given them this was the best life, the most suitable life for them in-order for their spirits to develop or even be saved, in-order for them to see me and know my name.

Many of you don’t feel me there, you search and you look but see no sign of me anywhere. Do not be afraid for I see you, and every moment of every day in everything that you do I send my Spirit to be with you, to guard you, to guide you, to comfort you and to keep you. Some of you create their own image of me and bow down and kneel to it. In your hearts you know there is no other God besides me, your hearts will testify that you knew and by this you will be judged for worshipping idols.

Many of you go out in my name, casting out demons. You mislead the people and quote the scriptures for profit. Some of you pretend to know me and go out and collect huge sums of money in the name of charity while your intentions are to only help your pockets. Just so you know, I know who you are…

Many of you spend your life chasing money, power or pleasure. Isn’t if funny how you can never have enough of any of these but must always want more? In my perfect plan I created life to be in such a way that these things would never satisfy you and when you have had enough of chasing them you would search for me.

Many of you believe Jesus Christ is just a figment of men’s imaginations. Well, we will see just how much a figment of the imagination He is when you stand before him shivering and trembling at the end-time. Most of you wonder why my Son has not returned yet as he promised, maybe if all of you repented and did what is acceptable in my sight he would return much more faster instead of me delaying his return so that you can repent and be saved.

Many of you try to tell me what to do with your lives. You order me around, telling me what I should and
shouldn’t do. You forget that it was by my hand that you were made and therefore I have the right to do with you as I please. You forget that I have all the wisdom and knowledge in the world, that I have a plan and a purpose for each and every life I make no matter how tragic or beautiful it is. Every turn your life takes, every sorrow, every heartbreak, I know what I am doing.

Many of you kill in my name. You declare holy war on each other on my account, to defend my name and honour. That’s all very well, but at the end of the ages I will require you to show me when and where I signed that particular agreement. In any case, who made you guardian of my name and honour? Did I say I am unable to defend myself?

Many of you only remember that I am a loving, kind, merciful being. Others only remember that I am frightful, impartial in judgment, and able to destroy both flesh and spirit. Do not be misled, I am both, merciful and merciless. I am not a little puppy with no teeth neither am I a snarling lion without control. It is your conduct and behavior that determines which side of me you see at a given time.

Most of you say ‘there is no God’ or ‘He does not see’ when I let your sins go unpunished. If I am not there and I do not see why then do you tremble and get the frights when you are doing the things you are not supposed to do? Many of you try to honour me in deed and in truth, doing what I have shown you is right in my scriptures. Do not tire, I see your efforts, your heart, your pains and trials. You can be assured that your reward will be just and fair in heaven according to your works.

Many of you are too busy to share your bread with the poor, to comfort the sick, visit those in prison or clothe the needy. Most of you turn the beggar away from you (or your window) saying ‘I have no coin for you’, when you do have 3 coins in your pocket. All these things I see and as you treat your fellow men so you will be treated one day. Blessed are those who break their bread in half and share with he who has not. On my mind are those who give, even when they don’t feel like it, the last coin in their pocket to the one who has not in the belief that I will take care of their needs. Such faith will certainly be rewarded.

Many of you believe that following me, praying to me and being my child is such a very hard and difficult life. But really it is no harder than when a man and a woman decide to share their lives together in marriage. It is not much harder than the 4 or more years millions spend in college seeking to know the mysteries of the world or trades. Those who know me will tell you that I require no more from you than that you take me with you and keep me with you as you go forward with your life.
 If you are wise someday you will find me. I am who I am, the Amen. Most of you know that I need not say more than that to prove who I am.”

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