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Tuesday 15 April 2014

Akutauni abwera!

Once upon a time I considered myself a righteous man. In the past year I have re-evaluated that way of thinking. For the devil has tried to get inside of my soul and from the look of things he has greatly succeeded. I no longer consider myself a righteous man, for I am now neither fit to lick the feet of my God and neither am I fit to stand anywhere He can see me. That is how sinful I have become.

The devil has worked hard to quench my gift and ministry, and the Spirit of the Lord has departed from it, it is no longer as blest as it was before. But if I am to go to hell anyway because of my many sins I figure I will go down there with a bang. I will shout, kick and scream all the way there and when my time comes I will hand myself without a fight to He who judges me. And this the best way I know how, through my writing. Here is my protest against the Devil, Shaitan, El Diablo, Beelzebub. Allow me to share it with you.

It is said that in the village parents that head a family love or prefer the rich one among their children more than the one who sits with them in poverty. They smile and give the choicest of gifts to the one who comes from town much more than he who lives in the village with them. A chicken, eggs, beans and the choicest of what they can give they give with all gladness to the one who is employed and the one who has nothing to his name gets a curse, sour looks and harsh speech with anything he receives. That is if he receives anything at all. Analyze your family, or your neighbours family and determine if this is true.

It has been argued then that it is better to be rich than to be poor. Maybe, maybe not.

I am reminded of the story of the prodigal son. I see him as one coming from town where he lived a very
festive and wealthy life. Regardless of how he returned, he was honoured and a fattened cow was killed for him, the finest of clothes given to him, and a party held for him while the one who had stayed with the parents all along in the village had not even had such consideration. Stay with me.

Most of us do not really understand the story of the prodigal son though. It was not about virtue versus folly, neither about one son against another. Rather it was about the father of the two. The father is the main focus of the story, akita (actor), ninja, kuchitekete.

Think of it this way. Let us say God is the father/parent in the story, the prodigal son is a sinful son while the other son who stayed with the parents in the village is a righteous son. Do you get it? Do you then understand what the celebration was all about?

For those who may not. The father has two children, one who is faiththul and righteous who stays by him at all times, and another that is rebellious, sinful and evil to the best of his ability who wanders away. Now the sinful son decides to return home to his father after seeing that all the things in the world are worthless and it was much better to live in his fathers house than elsewhere. The righteous son is still with his father, going about his father’s business.

Assuming then that God is the father, would you not expect him to celebrate the return of the sinner? For the sinful one was as good as dead to him but has appeared where it was not expected. Can you imagine the inexplicable joy the father would have, the relief, the desire to celebrate? As for the righteous one, what is there to celebrate? He never moved away from his father, never was in danger of the fire of hell, was never lost but was there safe and sound, all along the father never lost him! And so it is that the one who comes from town is celebrated rather than the one who sits at his parent’s side.

It is written “there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven't strayed away!” (Luke 15:7). He who the father thought was lost and as good as dead has suddenly been pronounced alive and well! That is the reason for the joy that knows no bounds!

Having said that, I feel I have said enough. And so I ask “When will you return to the Father’s hands?” When will you repent of your evil, your lust, your fornication, your adultery, your thievery, your murder, your backbiting, your homosexuality, your hardheartedness, your selfishness, your pride, your devilry, your idolatry, and submit yourself into God’s hands?”

Where you are you are as good as dead!

Granted I am not fit to point you in the way of what is right or wrong, if I was once I am not worthy anymore. My sins testify against me, in a loud voice they condemn me. “Hypocrite, liar, demon” they call out against me. Each day though I bow my head and my knees and submit myself to God asking for the forgiveness of the sins of my flesh and spirit. He is mighty enough to save me that’s for sure. And if it pleases Him to abandon me to the flames of hell He will be within His right for He is worthy of even that. In the meantime,though, I will continue to give the demons hell *kikikiki*.

Understand this, the heavens will never celebrate the death of any man (Ezekiel 33:10). I believe the heavens even weep when a sinner dies still in his sin. Understand this also, the Lord my God is not deaf that he will not hear your cry, neither blind that he will not see you bend your knees in prayer, and neither is his heart so calloused that he will not show a sinner mercy. For "He [Jesus]saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy" (Titus 3:5).

 If you hear any part of your life condemn you then take it to the Lord in prayer, for the Lord, he is God!!!

“Do not fear those who can only harm the body, rather fear He who is able to destroy both flesh and spirit in hell” (Matthew 10:28)

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