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Thursday 17 April 2014

Too Sexy for you Boy

Men are increasingly obsessed about how good the woman they are with looks. Even the bible-thumping “Men of God” will rarely tell an ugly chick that “God has revealed to them” that they are to be united in marriage.

Women. Men love to see them looking good. They are the flowers that complement the earth, the salt in food, the spice of life. Even much more than that men loooove to see women looking sexy! We love it when she shows those long legs, we can’t resist to look when she flashes her breasts. And when she binds her butt a little too tight in a dress or skirt hehehehe the blood pressure rises to boiling point, off the Richter (scale) is what some say.

So we take them to be our girlfriends, we undress them  to see the beautiful things we were attracted to, or don’t , depending on what side of the bible we lay our hand on when we make our oaths. Sometimes we sample the goods, once, twice, three times or more. It never gets boring, when you have had enough of seeing them, wait for a few days or months and they still catch our eyes.

And so we take them to “see” our parents and relations. We marry them and make them our wives, a testament that what they have to offer is beyond resistance. We show them off to our friends, family, colleagues and strangers. On our arms we want them, by our sides we keep them, no matter how we mistreat them we never forget them.

Then we start being jealous. We become suspicious. We fear another man will take what is ours, what has
been given to us by the heavens above. We worry when she is away from us, and get angry when another gets too friendly with them. 

So we tell them to dress modestly. We tell them to behave like a lady. We ask them to be reserved, to not speak too much in the presence of our friends. To not smile too much at the males that say hello to them. We want them not to wiggle their waists too much when they walk, and to cover up all good things that may attract another to them. Makes sense.

But then why do we turn around and say “my wife used to be beautiful but she does not try anymore?”. Why do we wonder what happened to the beautiful Queen we brought into our home when our eyes see her to be plain now. Why do we feel we do not desire her anymore and go out and seek others who attract with their eyes, legs, breasts, dress, and behinds?

I observed the sons of men and it occurred to me that man does not know what he wants from women. [Sigh].For clearly it is his own making that his wife looks the way she does, sometimes anyway. Did we not make her wear long gowns and not mini skirts? Did we not tell her to smile less, tease less and attract less? Be sexy less? Yet we go about and turn our backs on them and say we do not feel the fire anymore. Idiots I say.

They say men want a lady on the streets but a freak in the sheets. I say make up your mind, men! Decide. Either have her look sexy or tell her to cover everything up and look like her mother, or worse her grandmother. But don’t lay the blame on her, you are reaping what you are sowing. You made her change her dress and conduct, please do not complain now.

Then it occurs to me that when my turn comes and I have a wife one day I will not want to share her in any way either. Yes, what is mine should remain mine and what is yours keep to yourself.  Then I weigh this problem, this paradox, this complexity. If I turn her into an old goat I won’t like her, and if she goes out of the house looking like a prostitute I won’t like it either. Hrrrmph a compromise please!!!!!

Then I understand the saying, “a lady on the streets but a freak in the sheets.” 

Then I think to myself,” let her continue being the apple of my eye that I will not turn to the left nor turn to the right. That is what I will aim for.”  But all my aims will amount to nothing if she herself does not understand the needs of a man, why we want her hot in the house and cold outside.

So a light-switch flickers on in my head and I think to myself  ”Aha! Maybe this can work.” I will look for a
woman who will know how to dress appropriately depending on the occasion. When I am outside the home this part of the bible shall apply ”do not let your waters be shared by everyone, let your fountain be yours alone”(Proverbs 5:16-17) . And when I am inside the home let this part of the bible apply “be glad with the wife of your youth, let her waters satisfy you” (Proverbs 5:18).

And so this is the woman men seek, men who are wise and have understanding: She should dress appropriately for the occasion. Let her not flash her thighs in company, nor her cleavage to every eye that may see, nor  tighten her behind in cloth to draw attention. Let her not dress like a prostitute when at a wedding, a tease in church, or an unmarried woman in the streets. Let her dress modestly, act modestly and paint herself modestly where there is a need.

It is written” the foolish wife destroys her marriage with her own two hands, but the wise one binds it together with hers” (Proverbs 14:1). May she bring me honour and not scorn, may she bring me respect and never a sneer. For a harlot is known by the way she dresses; a prostitute by the way she paints her face; and the woman bent on mischief by the way she twists her tongue when she speaks, the way she flickers her eyelids slyly when she looks at you, the way she curls her mouth when she speaks, the way she dresses when she leaves the house, and the way she behaves all fidgety and attention-seeking under the eyes of men.

I understand we may confuse you ladies by our tastes and wants which are forever changing. Forgive us for not being able to make up our minds as to what we want you to be. But understand our intention, what we aim to achieve.

Above all, though, work to please your God. Leave off mischief and act appropriately in His eyes. We are but men and so we can mislead, but He is God and He knows what lies in your hearts and spirits. In all you wear, act, or think, remember you will answer to Him when he asks why you did not obey your husband.  

It is fact that it seems you are on earth more with us than you are with Him. But know that all in all, when the trumpet blows, the end of the ages comes, and He takes stock of your ways you will answer more to Him than you will to us. 

”Do not fear those that can harm the flesh but cannot kill the spirit, rather fear He who is able to destroy both flesh and spirit in the fire of hell”(Matthew 10:28). That said I say not that you should disobey your spouse, but that you do all things with wisdom and Godly understanding.  May the God of all wisdom, who has all understanding, give you the grace to appear pleasing and acceptable in His sight and the eyes of men. Amen!

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