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Thursday 14 August 2014

Fool Fool Boy

I heard it through the office grapevine, a disturbing piece of news. Apparently, I am planning to buy a car. Apparently, someone told my boss, who told someone else, who told me. A Nissan Tiida, so I hear. I would be inclined to disbelieve the gossip but the one who told me was a reliable source. Well, as reliable as human beings can be.

A part of me wants to laugh at what has been said about me, that I am planning to buy a car. I have neither the inclination nor the resources for such a purchase you see. And it also serves to show that the person who said it does not know me or what they are talking about. For my mind works like that of Sherlock and you only know what it is I am doing afterwards, not when I am doing it.

The Bible says “he who calls his neighbor a fool is in danger of the fire of hell.(Matt 5:22)” Allow me though to say it once or twice O’Lord. The person passing around such gossip is an idiot, a fool and stupid to boot. So there.

One would ask me why I would not throw away such gossip and forget about it seeing as it is not true. But I am inclined to dislike not the fact that someone is talking about me, but that they are telling outright lies about me. And if they told the boss that, what worse things have they said behind my back which I have never had the opportunity of hearing or clearing up? What damage have they done to my reputation?

So I say to this idiot, “Mind your own business”. Why meddle in my affairs, what is it to you what I do or do not do? Why do you take such an interest in my affairs? That “he said, she said, they said, I heard” can be a dangerous thing. You waste your time. And put your life at risk.

If it was up to me I would approach them and pinch their nose. But I feel sad for such people and I pray for their souls, they know not what they are doing. And, revenge is the Lord’s, He will repay! For my God does not take kindly to liars, and he does not esteem slanderers.

Another part of me is inclined to take that which has been spoken as a blessing, that they wish me well and one day I will buy said car. But if it is a curse then they waste their time for I have bigger fish to fry that are not from this world while they the slanderers are small fish. 

Inside me still, one part beams with pleasure. It is the pleasure of knowing that they know not my affairs. For they head in one direction while my plans head in the opposite direction. As the scripture says “your enemy will attack you from one direction but they will run back in seven.(Deut 28:7)”

In the words of one Busta Rhymes:”Fool fool Boi demma say gwan die anyhow you try disrespect King Selassie I. Rub unto your foot and tab inna your eye with proper information about Rastafari. The ones who don know dey are de most fi ask why His Imperial Majesty really get crucify… Make sure we read bible and follow di Most High”(Rastaman Chant).

Yes, foolish is he who disrespects the Lord my God and me the sheep of his pasture. They would do well to rub on their foot and tab into their eye proper information about the Lord my God. They would do well to make sure they read the bible and follow the Most High, rather than not know and ask why Jesus was really crucified. For he died for me, I am covered by the blood of the Lamb, no man nor demon can touch me, for my Father watches over me.


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