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Thursday 4 September 2014

Blessed be he who blesses

My friend. I searched for a gift to give you, a gift that would be meaningful to you and give you much happiness. But alas I could not find it.
For money you already have. Of course they say you can never have enough of money but why should I pour water into a lake or river when there are dry mouths in the world that require it? You are after all working for your survival. As for wisdom and knowledge, that you have too or you would not have reached the stature you have today.  You are after all educated to some degree. And they say too much is poisonous and it seemed to me you have enough of both to get you through each day.

I thought long and hard on what I should give you. If I could I would buy you a car or a house but such things I can not afford. Then I thought again, should I get you a watch, a flat screen or some new shoes? 

These things though did not seem enough, for things of this world fade and sooner or later such things will get broken or used up and they will be thrown out and forgotten. I wanted you to have something that will last a long time, maybe even forever.

I rubbed my chin then rubbed the top of the back of my head with my hand. What would be the best present for someone like you? Should I teach you how to love, the meaning of life, or what to do to be happy in this world? It dawned on me that I could not, for such things each human being is meant to learn for themselves.Then I thought to myself, I will give you this gift, the sort which may never leave you for a long time.

And so I turned to the sky, bent my knees and my head. Then I raised my hand to the heavens and asked this for you from the One who watches men to this day:

May the works of your hands satisfy you always and may you be content with all that you have. May the works of your hands bear good fruit in this lifetime that is pleasing and fitting in your eyes and the eyes of men. May your life not be in vain but may it reach the fullest potential of your calling, that purpose for which you were created for. May you show mercy to those who need it so that you also will receive mercy and kindness in your hour of need. 

May the eyes of the Lord my God never cease to be upon you no matter how far you may go and no matter how displeasing your actions may be in his sight. May you know how to love others and forgive their errors and faults so that your heart does not grow cold and cause you misery in the end. May you have enough food for your table, strength in your bones, peace in your spirit as supplied by the Lord on high. May the number of your years be many and the number of your sorrows be few. 

May the Lord my God walk ahead of you to clear a path for you and show you which way you are to go. May he walk behind you to protect you from the many things you can not see, do not know, and have no way of fathoming. May he protect you from the devil and his wicked demons, accidents, your own folly and stupidity, and from men who wish others harm for no reason, those that smile and say “peace” when in their hearts they have no peace towards you. And may he walk besides you to be a friend in your hour of need, a source of wisdom and strength, your comfort in distress, and the one who teaches you righteousness and holiness each one of your days. May His spirit be with you to teach you all things your heart seeks answers to. And may He be with you when I can not be there to watch over you and help you along your way.

This is all that I could give you, and so that was my gift, my blessing, my prayer. True you may not be able to eat it, this gift of mine. But in due season, it will refresh your soul and will be all that you need in this lifetime. You may not appreciate it now but in time I have faith that you will.

And I heard in my heart of hearts the voice of the angels above as they paid witness to my blessing. And they said “In the name of the Father it has been prayed, in the sight of the Son it has been spoken, with the witness of the Holy Spirit has it been given. Not only to him but all like him who may need it”

And they all said, “So be it, so be it”. 

So be it. Amen!

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