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Friday 3 February 2012

You should not have married me!

Men, your women have a case. They have accusations against you that you must answer. What will you answer these women my fellow men? For when I heard what the women said even I could not answer for you! This you must answer for yourself.

This then is what the women are saying: “Out of love did we marry you, for better or worse did we promise to be with you. Out of our love for you we have accepted you the way you are. We have tried to be good wives and have not criticized or been nuisances for nothing. We give up our wishes, time and plans to cook, clean and make your house a home.”

“Yet you the people we treat this way are turning against us. While we never pointed out your flaws to your face you point out time after time that our tummies have grown fat and that our shape has loosened. You say our teeth have turned yellow, that our faces have grown pimples. It hurts us to hear you talk like that...”

“But dear husbands, haven’t you changed over time as well? Are you still the same young men you were when you married us? Haven’t your bellies grown to pregnancy level because of beer? Haven’t you grown fat as well? Doesn’t your breathe smell? Don’t you snore horribly in your sleep? Of all this do you ever hear us complain? Who are you to criticize so mercilessly as if you are perfect? Don’t you think we also have an idea of what our dream man should look like? So you suppose you are exactly what we wanted in life?”

“Do you ever see us looking outside the house for other men? Why then have your eyes become so intelligent that they see not one nor two but even six women with which to lie down and shamelessly have sex as if you had no wife for this? Are you no longer attracted to us because we have born you children? Is it not because of you that we have grown fat and undesirable? Have we not gotten to this condition because we have spent our time, our strength and all our spirit nursing your babies come rain come shine? So you want to contract diseases and curse us innocent women with even greater burdens than we have now after we have been so good to you?”

“For this we say it would have been better if you had not married us! For we had dreams of doing greater things than these. Yes we had hopes and yes we wanted a lot more. But now we are stuck here with you. We can’t search out our dreams now. For you know that if we achieve them we will definitely run away from you so you refuse us money for business or an education. We have no happiness in this marriage but we can’t even get out of it. If we were to get out who would take us and our three children? We have grown tummies and our breasts or buttocks are no longer as firm, who will desire us now that you have used us and have deflowered us so absolutely?”

“Yes it would have been better if you had never married us. For we could still have had our dreams, life would have still been full of promise. We could have had jobs and would have prospered. But we loved you and gave you our strength and the best years of our lives. How can you be so ungrateful after so much sacrifice from us? “

“Of all this what hurts the most is that you are not satisfied with us. You are busy whoring with five women at a time; some at work, some in the streets, some at church and some on the devils latest invention, the Internet. Facebook is not helping our marriages our beloved husbands. For you look at us your wives and the changes that have happened to our bodies and are displeased. Then you chat with loose women from all over the country on Facebook. You see them younger and much more appetizing than us. You then easily forget your commitment to love and to hold us forever and ever that you made before God as you seek to sample and taste this thing here, there, and everywhere.”

“As a result our marriage bed has become a burden. When you come to bed you are cold and no longer a joy. You no longer put effort in speaking to us nor treating us as your wives, you have degraded us to mere maids and nannies. You would rather spend time on the computer than with us. We receive no warmth from you and zero affection too.”

“Why can’t you have a little mercy. You have crushed our spirits and have made us loose the control of our thinking processes. We can no longer think straight but are a mess, irritable, stressed and agitated all the time. If we ran away from this marriage should the world blame us? If we drank poison so that we could be free of this emotional torture would it be a crime? And if we decided to kill you in your sleep so we could have a little peace would it be evil of us? “

“Yet all we need from you is for you to love us. We just want you to come home and spend time talking to us. Make us feel like wives and make us feel wanted and loved. We sacrifice a lot of ourselves for you, show some appreciation and do not turn to the left or to the right in search of other women. We agreed to have only you in our lives and we have kept that, we need you to do the same and love us only. Be patient with us for we are not as strong as you nor do we think like you. Be fathers to our children and a guide for our family.”

That is all the women whispered to me. Like I said, this is not a case I could answer for all men. Each will have to answer for himself. However there is a law God gave unto mankind in his bible: “Wives respect your husbands and husbands love your wives.”

Woman if you ran away, kill yourself or kill your husband you are not bringing respect to your husband as Jehovah would want of you. You have been patient so far, be patient some more and forgive, letting go of past things and looking forward to better things. Do not let your heart grow cold and bitter for only the pure in heart will see God! Why should a man rob you of a chance to enjoy your God or your life?

As for you men: Love your wives, it’s that simple and that complicated. Be to them what they want you to be. Talk to them and find out what they would want of you. Be faithful and a joy at home, let your lustful urges die and concentrate that energy at home. If you are consulting other women’s services are you showing your wives love? Do not be deceived. DO what is right. For even you in your wickedness know what the right thing to do is in everything.

May God have mercy on you all…

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