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Tuesday 14 February 2012

Dear Mahope

Dear Mahope,

There is a picture of you on Facebook that I really really like. In that picture I see a girl with not only a gorgeous smile but also a pure heart that is free from evil. I look at that picture and wish for many many things:

-I wish I was the man in your life so I could hold you, cuddle you and kiss you deeply and passionately. It would make me happy to share my highs with you as well as my lows. Growing old with you would be a wonderful experience, one I wouldn’t exchange for anything in this world.

-I wish I could marry you so that I wouldn’t share you with any other man. That way I would be the one putting smiles on your face and wiping tears from your eyes when you cry. It would make me happy to give you as much of the world as it is in my power to give, for when you smile all things are perfect.

-I wish I could make love to you so that you would be the mother of my children. Then I would walk proudly knowing that, even though I do not have everything, I have a beautiful thing waiting for me when I get home; always there, always caring, always loving, a family.

-I wish I could pray with you. That way I could present you before my God and give Him thanks for allowing me to experience your love and to share the days of my life with the best of his children. Then I would praise and worship him and say “surely I am one of the most blessed among men.”
While I may pray and wish for all these, I realize even I am not worthy of a woman such as you. While I may wish to pour my love on you and show you what it really means to love and be loved I realize being with you is a gift that only God can give.

As I can’t at this time be as close to you as I would like, I take solace and great pleasure in presenting you with this small gift hoping it will bring a smile to your face and warmth in your heart so  that for a minute or two you will think of me. You have an amazingly beautiful smile, let it shine.

Happy Valentines Day.

Warm regards,

Ko Matupa


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