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Thursday 16 February 2012

A Sex Idol

The power of sex is undeniable all over the world. It will make a preacher, the holiest of men, lay down his faith and religious beliefs just so he too can have some. It will make a very faithful husband forget  his marriage vows to his wife and lay down with a prostitute. It opens up wallets causing people to buy houses and cars and spend lots of money on women and men so they can have something that was otherwise made to be free of charge.

Even I cant shake its power over me and I consider myself a reasonably holy man and even better a servant of God .I am enticed by sex and have fallen short , my feet are quick to run to it yet I read my bible and promise to obey the lord my God almost every day. Yes it is quite a marvelous thing to share that experience with a living breathing human being.

Humanity calls sex an act of love, a way to show the person you love that you really care about them. It is the essence of life itself, it is the core of life, the reason many of us are alive today. Man’s life is 70% sex. He is either doing it, discussing it or thinking about it. It comes natural to him, its one of the gifts nature blessed him with. It’s the way of life nothing more to it, it must be enjoyed and that’s the truth.

And I can understand why all men and women are driven crazy by it. It’s a beautiful thing that God blessed us with. The act itself is usually very fascinating, the union of male and female as it was created to be quite brilliantly designed. The emotional connection it creates is also worth the work, and when you love the person you are doing it with there is no other perfect gift.

I know of a few who live their lives for nothing but sex, constantly working on getting it and achieving it too. And there are some who praise it and worship it too, they say it has no equal to it in this world, it is is the greatest, and that to them sex is the best of the best of life. As we live our lives exploring and appreciating each others bodies and getting pleasure that has no equal this thing we hardly see. That we have elevated sex to the level of a God and we praise it, worship it and live our lives and do anything for it.

What we are doing while we are making sex such a big part of our lives is putting God in the shade. I mean if we constantly think of sex, discuss  sex, work on sex and have sex are we thinking about God at all? If we think about him at all in a day then we give him that 5% of our day; we thank him for the beautiful day, for the lovely meal , and ask him to watch over us when we go to sleep. Apart from that we hardly think of him. Think of the number of things we do in a day, all the hours we have in that day. Yet for Him we set aside not even 30 minutes out of the 12 hours of our day and the 12 hours of our night.

Now imagine how God feels being given 5 out of 100 of your attention. It’s like when a man gives birth to a son and when the son grows up a little he buys him a ball to play with. Then the son gets so interested in the ball that he forgets he has a father and he stubbornly and persistently refuses to obey his father saying he wants to play ball. Imagine the sort of anger that would rise up out of such a man, if it was me I would wish I had never bought that ball and would give that boy a good firm smack on the face strong enough for him to see stars revolving in his head and birds singing in his stomach.

And that’s how we21st Century human beings are. We are so focused on the gift that we give our all (energy, money, time and brain power) trying to make the most of it and trying to figure out how we can improve it. At the same time we are forgetting he who gave us that which we find to be a most precious gift.

But will Jehovah judge me for something that comes naturally to my flesh? Something that takes control of my body and makes me weak and helpless?  Isn’t the desire to have sex uncontrollable? Doesn’t it come of its own accord even when am not seeking it? Will he judge me for something he himself created to be enjoyed like this? If he didn’t like it why did he create it in the first place?!!!

And where is the place in the bible that exactly says that we can not have sex? I have searched for it but it talks of fornication and adultery. I am not married so how can I be committing adultery? And isn’t it fornication when you make it a habit to sleep around with multiple girls rather than sleeping with one steady girlfriend?

Lots of questions but it is not my place to answer them. What I will say is that the bible says , “Young people, it's wonderful to be young! Enjoy every minute of it. Do everything you want to do; take it all in. But remember that you must give an account to God for everything you do” (Ecclesiastes 11:9).  It also says that Jehovah is a jealous God and so you must not worship any other than him(Exodus 20:4-5). And he is jealous of your time, jealous of your thoughts and jealous of your activities. He wants to be the centre of your life for that’s his rightful place. But we are making sex the centre of our lives aren’t we? So all of us who belong to a church somewhere, while we are appreciating, evaluating, rating, discussing and sharing sex remember that what we are doing is putting God in the background. And for the lack of attention we are all showing him he will judge us for saying we are his children but praise and worship the idol SEX(Exodus 20:4-5).

PS: Fornication is sleeping with a person who you are not married to, this includes sleeping with one steady girlfriend over and over again year in year out. Adultery is sleeping with a person who is married to someone other than you. If you are single and sleep with married men or women you are committing adultery. If you are married and sleep with other married people that are not your husband or wife then you are committing adultery too. J

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