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Tuesday 22 May 2012

Working for the Devil

The places we work at affect us differently. Whereas in other places we may blossom and flourish, in other places we shrivel , our spirit weakens and our soul hovers to death point. Why such a big difference?

If the place you work at stresses you out, makes you cry, frustrates you and basically gives you no peace of mind then you will be worried most of the time. As a consequence your spiritual life will be affected, your prayers will no longer seem to be effective, you will no longer desire to be in the presence of God. Slowly you drift from the path of righteousness God showed you. Before you know it you will lose your soul as you drift from God and into the arms of the devil and his wicked demons.

All this though happens while you still believe that you are walking in righteousness. You acknowledge that you sin and that you could do better but tell yourself no one is perfect and you are doing the best you can. All the while you are compromising, letting go of the clear things God showed you to obey and accepting a heart that allows itself to be swayed into sin.

To get you to this point the devil works on breaking the connection you have with God. The workplace is the centre of a man’s life and so there he spends most of his hours. If the devil worries you seven hours out of the 10 or twelve hours you are awake in a day wont the hours of worry overwhelm the few hours of peace you have to yourself? Imagine then the devil worrying you five days of work out of the seven days you have in a week.

To those who have found themselves drifting further and further away from God. So much so that they find prayer difficult, they find reading his word difficult and they find going to church difficult. Ask yourself could your workplace be the source of such things happening? How was your spiritual life before you came to work where you are? Has it improved or has it gone downhill?

It’s easy to tell if your workplace is the source of you drifting away from God for as we have said you will find no peace there but continuous strain for no reason. You continuously sense that something is not right in that place. Sometimes you feel like there might be an evil spirit at work there. Over time this lack of peace will affect your relationship with God.

To those who know or have established that the workplace is hurting their relationship with God, the Spirit of God says to you: You cannot serve both God and money (Matthew 6:24). For doubtless you will love the one and hate the other plus if you have a foot each in two different places where exactly are you? Perhaps it’s time to leave that job.

What stops most of us from obeying that part of our spirit that tells us to leave an oppressive job is the thought that we should find another job first. But this is your soul you are playing with. The other job never comes and your soul is eroded even more and more until your spirit is broken and you don’t have the strength to seek God anymore.

But you say where will I go? How will I survive? Staying at home without work is no good what will I do? The spirit of God says to you ‘seek you first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and then all these things will be added to you’(Matthew 6:33). For the Lord knows that you need all these things, money and a job to survive. Consider the birds of the air, they do not store up food in barns nor do they harvest yet your heavenly Father feeds them day after day. Aren’t you of more value than they? You will be fine.

When the devil disconnects you from God he creates a new connection with himself that prevents you from doing the things that come with following God and also prevent you from leaving that place of oppression  you call a workplace. When you observe that this is happening in your life, if you intend to save your soul there is only one thing to do.

The Spirit of God says to you I have set before you life and death, choose what you will. He wants you to make the decision that chooses him over the world. He will not force you. If you go on with your job you will die but rather make a sacrifice and choose righteousness that you may live. Forsake your job and the benefits it brings with it that last only for a short while. Resign and you will yet live when you return to righteousness.

Let us not be anxious about anything but in all things, by prayer and petitions let us make our requests known to God. If we are not sure of the way we should take as regards to leaving our job or not then let us ask Jehovah what we should do. He will show us what to do. Cast all your burdens on him for he cares for you. Take a leap of faith, trust in his abilities to take care of you for doubtless he will see your sacrifice and for all you will have lost he will give you twice as much in return for your loyalty and faithfulness and will give you a job that will allow you to serve him, to have peace and to reap the necessary rewards due to you. Man was never created to suffer, free yourself before it’s too late! Lord have mercy on me if I do not practice what I preach!

Matthew 18:8 : If your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire.


  1. Hanxie Kundawi1:21 pm

    My brother, I hear you! And this is addressing my mess 'specifically'. Having said this much, I think our ONLY problem is not trusting enough in He who fights our battles. Because it is the truth that IF we choose Him, He is able to address all our needs. And this fear of loosing a job and maybe not getting another is a dictate from the devil. A way of holding us to the miserable 'present'. Which is not only killing our 'NOW' but even the 'TOMORROW' we need to look up to. What with life here after..... So our loses are endless and only benefiting Lucifer and his agents. Lets rise up and move. It'd be good for us and our families. Its our responsibility to leave an inheritance to our off-spring and not a life likely leading to endless hardship!

  2. True. It is our responsibility, lets not sit on our gifts and talents but rise up and sacrifice a little that our souls may survive.


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