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Friday 11 May 2012

Fret no more!

And the Spirit of my Lord answered me: “Why do you misrepresent me before my children?”, He asked of me. “Why do you call me unjust, unfair and unrighteous? Why do you present me as unholy?”

“Man is not even the greatest of my creations (Job 40:15-19) yet I can approach the greatest among my creations with a sword and can do with it as I please. Why then do you resist me and give me limits and boundaries as to what I can or cannot do with your life? Does not everything under heaven belong to me, to do with as I please?”

“You have questioned me about the state of your health, finances and relationships. Have you no knowledge that I have understanding of all and control over all things? Don’t I know when to make the clouds drop the rains and how much at a time?, then don’t I have the streams collect them up afterwards? Don’t I keep all alive in famine and drought, beggar and madman alike?”

“Who are you to question me anyway? On what authority do you say that I have done things in your life wrong? Is your wisdom sufficient for you to approve my actions? Since when do I seek your approval for me to do the things I do? What counsel or insight can you offer to my benefit?”

“Know this then: I hold the times and trials, fates and misfortunes, ages and stages of all men in my hand. I know how to fatten you in winter and to remove the poisons from your body with the harsh rays of the summer sun. You should not question one with the understanding, might, dominion and glory of such as me. For in all things you should always know I am superior.”

“You say you have done nothing wrong yet I have crushed you and bruised you for no reason. Do you consider yourself holier than me? Will you condemn me as evil to justify yourself?”

“Your life is mine and I will do with it as I please! Seasons will come and seasons will go. I do not do things for you alone but for the greater good and balance of your Nation, your Continent and your World. Though you see your life and pain alone remember your life is connected and has an effect on those of so many others in a circle of life. Let me do my work, be still and fret no more.”

So said the Spirit of the Lord.

I hereby repent : I claimed my God, Jehovah, had treated me unfairly by all the sad things he had brought into my life. By this I showed myself wiser and more righteous than he is. By it I said to you all that my judgment was greater, better and more perfect than my Master and Maker.  This is not true. Do not listen to it one bit. God will always be God and therefore greater than us and our knowledge and wisdom and worthy of our respect, recognition and trust to this effect.

Let him do with your life as he pleases and sees fit. He knows what he is doing and he understands the nature of all things, that men suffer and our hearts grow faint he also knows. I have been rebuked and chastised and am filled with shame. I repent of all blasphemies uttered by me that question, dishonor or disrepute Jehovah’s wisdom and judgment. Take care you do not go the same path I have, you may not return as I have or return at all. Amen.

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