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Tuesday 29 May 2012

Friends with Benefits

Most of you are foolish, you do not see beyond today. The rest of you lack understanding, you just don’t get it. When you marry someone you don’t marry them so that you can have a ‘happy ever after’ lifelong romance. You marry to have a lifelong companion, someone to share your life with basi.

What we are looking for when we say we want a marriage partner in all actual sense is that friend who will be with us for the rest of our lives, sharing our highs and our lows. We are asking for company and friendship but on a long-term basis.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Working for the Devil

The places we work at affect us differently. Whereas in other places we may blossom and flourish, in other places we shrivel , our spirit weakens and our soul hovers to death point. Why such a big difference?

If the place you work at stresses you out, makes you cry, frustrates you and basically gives you no peace of mind then you will be worried most of the time. As a consequence your spiritual life will be affected, your prayers will no longer seem to be effective, you will no longer desire to be in the presence of God. Slowly you drift from the path of righteousness God showed you. Before you know it you will lose your soul as you drift from God and into the arms of the devil and his wicked demons.

Friday 11 May 2012

Fret no more!

And the Spirit of my Lord answered me: “Why do you misrepresent me before my children?”, He asked of me. “Why do you call me unjust, unfair and unrighteous? Why do you present me as unholy?”

“Man is not even the greatest of my creations (Job 40:15-19) yet I can approach the greatest among my creations with a sword and can do with it as I please. Why then do you resist me and give me limits and boundaries as to what I can or cannot do with your life? Does not everything under heaven belong to me, to do with as I please?”

Tuesday 8 May 2012

People Like Me

If you knew the number of problems that I had and for a day were unlucky enough to see life through my eyes you would agree with me that perhaps it’s best that I die and find peace. I have no peace: my medical report would shock you, romantically I have no love life plus I am stuck in a dead-end job. And that’s only half of it: my heart and soul is tormented, my brain overworked, my spirit snuffed out.

They told me to work hard and I would have a good life so naturally I feel unfairly treated by life. I did nothing to violate my health, I excelled in my studies and when it comes to relationships I tried to love with all my heart. But it seems the fruit of all that I worked hard for is rotten in my hand. The beauty that was meant to be realised from such hard effort is not apparent.

Thursday 3 May 2012

The Hypocrite’s Oath

Isn’t it funny how women claim to be the most wronged in a relationship? Women complain and complain, point fingers and carry on. And even though a man might be having problems you only hear him complain when the issue is very very bad? By their actions and conduct though all men and women say the Hypocrite’s oath: I swear I am right and that one is not.

I remember a girl who claimed her boyfriend treated her unkindly. He didn’t listen to her, was a drunkard and just didn’t behave the way she wanted him to. In short she claimed he caused her nothing but great grief.