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Tuesday 28 February 2012

Men and Women Relationships

The relationship between men and women is a funny thing. It can only be described as a cycle that will see no end and will always lead to disaster should men and women continue to relate to each other the way they do now.

The problem starts when you consider the fact that no man will accept a woman 100% as she is and vice versa. This is mostly because when a man and a woman meet for the first time they each already have preconceived ideas of the kind of man or woman they want to date. So knowing that they like this about their partner but not that they expect the other person to also think like they do, to like other parts of them but not others.

Thursday 16 February 2012

A Sex Idol

The power of sex is undeniable all over the world. It will make a preacher, the holiest of men, lay down his faith and religious beliefs just so he too can have some. It will make a very faithful husband forget  his marriage vows to his wife and lay down with a prostitute. It opens up wallets causing people to buy houses and cars and spend lots of money on women and men so they can have something that was otherwise made to be free of charge.

Even I cant shake its power over me and I consider myself a reasonably holy man and even better a servant of God .I am enticed by sex and have fallen short , my feet are quick to run to it yet I read my bible and promise to obey the lord my God almost every day. Yes it is quite a marvelous thing to share that experience with a living breathing human being.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Dear Mahope

Dear Mahope,

There is a picture of you on Facebook that I really really like. In that picture I see a girl with not only a gorgeous smile but also a pure heart that is free from evil. I look at that picture and wish for many many things:

Friday 3 February 2012

You should not have married me!

Men, your women have a case. They have accusations against you that you must answer. What will you answer these women my fellow men? For when I heard what the women said even I could not answer for you! This you must answer for yourself.

This then is what the women are saying: “Out of love did we marry you, for better or worse did we promise to be with you. Out of our love for you we have accepted you the way you are. We have tried to be good wives and have not criticized or been nuisances for nothing. We give up our wishes, time and plans to cook, clean and make your house a home.”