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Thursday 26 January 2012

Have you finished?

I have seen the true face of human beings. I used to believe there was purity in women and that men could be honourable. I used to think people were honest and that dignity and self respect mattered for something. I guess I was the foolish one, I was naive I will admit.

What is this I see? A simple text message or phone call can have a girl come over to a stranger’s home for a little sex no strings attached just like that. Men are unfaithful to their wives and they are proud of it. ‘That’s how we men are’ they say. Sex parties are the order of the day with multitudes expressing interest to attend. Pictures of naked people in varied sexual acts are applauded and enjoyed with no shame. The men are bad and their women are no better. Both men and women are eager to sell their bodies for some pocket money, they charge large sums without shame. It matters not to them that the men are married, they care not about the relationship a woman has with another man, ‘if it is stolen the sweeter it is’ they say.

They are quick to hand themselves to the devil. Humanity is bent on destroying itself. Life has become nothing more than a hunt for the quickest pleasure or quickest profit. Lust and perversity is shared and everyone feels it is okay. The people who do such things feel nothing weighing on their conscience. They actually enjoy being so immoral and ask, cry,call and shout for MORE MORE MORE!!! Even when they have had their fill of everything they are not satisfied.

But deep inside my soul I feel the anger of Jehovah burning strongly. “Is this it?” he asks of my spirit. “Is this what I created you for? That you may live like dogs and behave carelessly and so foolishly? Did I make you to be adulterers and adulteresses? That your only reason for life should be money and the satisfaction of your sexual desires? Why then did I put reason in you? Is it not so you can control yourself and live a life worthy of me your God? Is this really the best you can aspire to from day to day?”, his spirit questions my soul.

“What now? Have you finished enjoying yourselves to your heart’s content? Have you been filled to satisfaction then? After quenching all your desires don’t you still want more? What then have you profited, tell me what of the things you have done will be worth remembering a hundred years from now? Better yet tell me how many of the things you have done are honourable and pleasing in the sight of the God you claim to praise? Shall you call me Lord, Jesus, Jehovah when it pleases you to appear to be holy but yet live out the dirty life of a pig? Where in my bible do you see that my people lived like you are doing and were not punished for it? Did I not demand that my people live pure and free from immorality?”, his spirit questions my soul yet again.

“Hear this then. You have had your time of fun, folly, enjoyment, pleasure or what you may call it. A time will come when I too will have my time to judge you and lay bare all the sin you are performing in your lifetime. Then we will see which one is right between you and I. For I sent you my prophets and you did not listen. Yet again I send them with messages like the one you are reading but you harden your hearts and cast them off as nonsense. You refuse to change so disaster will come upon you. You can only flee my wrath if you change your ways and live by the instructions I give you in my bible as I gave to the prophets and people before you were born. The following below is for those of you who don’t know or might have forgotten:

  • “Every man should have sexual relations with his own wife and each woman her own husband” (1 Corinthians 7:2).
  • “You shall not commit adultery [have sex with a married person who is not your husband or wife]” (Exodus 20:14).
  •  “Do not have sexual relations with your neighbour’s wife and defile yourself with her” (Leviticus 18:20).
  • “You cannot love both God and money” [choose one] Matthew 6:24.
  • “Be holy for I am holy [body, mind and soul or in speech, in action and in thought]” Leviticus 11:44.
  • “The Lord will not let sin go unpunished” (Numbers 14:18).
  • “Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls” (James 1:21).
  •  “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).
  • “Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). [The sexually immoral are all those who have sex when they are not married]

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