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Tuesday 10 January 2012

An Emotional being

When you read the book of Jeremiah in the Holy Bible you will notice something interesting. Humanity sometimes manages to frustrate God. Jeremiah was a prophet among the people of Israel and the Lord Jehovah gave him messages for the Israelites. The first set of messages he was charged with delivering were words of condemnation and requests for repentance from God to the Israelites who had sinned against their God.

At some point Jeremiah says “This is what the Lord says:’ What fault did your fathers find in me that they strayed so far from me?’ Later on as the story progresses God says to Jeremiah, “They have turned their backs to me and not their faces; yet when they are in trouble they say ‘come save us!’.Then again God asks a question, “Have I been a desert to Israel or a land of great darkness?”

If you take a close look at the first question from God in this writing you will notice that it is a question filled with wonder (’ What fault did your fathers find in me that they strayed so far from me?’).Wonder is an emotion.

And when the Lord speaks about the people turning their backs to him but still calling to him when they are in trouble its as if the being saying those words feels as if he is being treated unfairly. But you feel Gods emotional side the most when he asks the next question.

“Have I been a desert to Israel or a land of great darkness?”, Jehovah asks. In effect he is asking much as any human being would ask in exasperation and frustration, “have I really been that bad to you? Have I been so unpleasant to these people?” Now imagine yourself asking that question. Is it possible to ask that question without any emotion? If your answer is no, as the correct answer should be, then it follows that exasperation and frustration are emotions that God experienced at that moment.

And God does not change. If he experienced emotion then, he experiences emotions now. You might think that the bad, sin or evil you do has no effect on God. But truth is God is hurt by the things you do when you choose not to obey him, just as much as any human being would be hurt if you did something bad or evil to them or something they do not approve of you doing, something that is against their will.

If you are still not convinced then take special note of a word taken from the bible passage of Deutoronomy 32: 21 where God, speaking of the Israelites again, says “they have provoked Me to anger with their vanities.

Be careful then all human beings of how you conduct yourselves. For if you can disappoint God then you can frustrate God, and surely you can move him to anger. And as much as you take special care not to cause these emotions in your fellow men. It is a million times more important that you take special care that you do not cause these emotions in God for scriptures record “Who can endure his fierce anger?” (Nahum 1:6)

Just as God experiences anger, frustration, disappointment and sorrow he also experiences joy, peace, and pleasure. So you should strive to please God. Your obedience to his will, ways and purposes makes him happy.

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