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Tuesday 31 January 2012

If all Women listened

By himself a man is relatively okay. In the presence of a woman, however, a man is an extremely evil being. The male vendors who started undressing women in Lilongwe were doing quite fine that day until one unfortunate woman crossed their paths and made them loose their senses. Such is the power of a woman.

“The way of a man with a virgin”, was one of the four amazing things that Agur a philosopher in the bible could not understand. That’s in Proverbs 30:1. In short what its saying is that a man who encounters a woman gets very crafty. In the presence of a lady a man’s intelligence increases ten times. He gets many ideas. He not only thinks of what he can do to her but also thinks of what she can do to him, what he can do with her, as well as what he can have her do. Of all these thoughts only 30% are honourable and respectable desires. Ladies be wary of the men who cross your path, not everything is as it seems.

Thursday 26 January 2012

Have you finished?

I have seen the true face of human beings. I used to believe there was purity in women and that men could be honourable. I used to think people were honest and that dignity and self respect mattered for something. I guess I was the foolish one, I was naive I will admit.

What is this I see? A simple text message or phone call can have a girl come over to a stranger’s home for a little sex no strings attached just like that. Men are unfaithful to their wives and they are proud of it. ‘That’s how we men are’ they say. Sex parties are the order of the day with multitudes expressing interest to attend. Pictures of naked people in varied sexual acts are applauded and enjoyed with no shame. The men are bad and their women are no better. Both men and women are eager to sell their bodies for some pocket money, they charge large sums without shame. It matters not to them that the men are married, they care not about the relationship a woman has with another man, ‘if it is stolen the sweeter it is’ they say.

Thursday 19 January 2012

KuMidima eya tilipo

My grandfather speaks of a time when the people in his village connived and plotted against him and had his farm taken away from him. Being a man who loved to farm, he believed that he who farms will not suffer much in this expensive world, this occurrence troubled him much that night. He failed to sleep. In his insomnia and tormented state of his soul he saw a vision.

What my grandpa saw was this: He saw his father come to him, a man who had died when he was about 5 or so. His father said “Come with me I want to give you a farm.” My grandpa obeyed and followed. They walked a great distance, the man took him to a piece of land and showed him its boundaries. One of its boundaries was a river .Then the man took him some place else. They came to a large tree outside a big house with white walls. The man then asked ‘do you see that house over there?’ My grandpa answered in the affirmative and his father then said ‘that will be your house, you will live in it’. The man who had come to my grandfather then left and my grandpa awoke from his vision.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Should I marry that One?

I once dated a girl that was close to perfect. She was honest and never pretended to be more than she was. She didn’t play mind games, she was patient and was a peacemaker. She loved talking to me 24/7. She cared about my family and had a good relationship with them. She loved me more than I had ever thought was possible in this world and even more than I can ever hope to be loved in this lifetime. She had dignity and was Godly. Our hearts synched like it was designed by the hand of God for us to fit together. She was the model wife, you could trust her to make you a happy husband and make your house a home, presentable and welcoming to you and all others.

Thursday 12 January 2012

The Circumcision of Men

I recently gave a Doctor the honour of circumcising me. I call it an honour cause I don’t usually make it a habit to undress and show off my winky to people let alone have them probe and dissect parts of it. I will not divulge the reasons for why I decided to go through such an experience, lets just say it was an experience I would not want to relive at any time in my life.

What stood out for me during the whole procedure was that the dear Doctor stitched and stitched and stitched. There were a number of times I thought he was through, but then he would look here and there and get another suture and restart stitching at some area he had missed. It got to a point where I started thinking to myself, “I am tired I want to go home”. He was very thorough I will give him that.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

An Emotional being

When you read the book of Jeremiah in the Holy Bible you will notice something interesting. Humanity sometimes manages to frustrate God. Jeremiah was a prophet among the people of Israel and the Lord Jehovah gave him messages for the Israelites. The first set of messages he was charged with delivering were words of condemnation and requests for repentance from God to the Israelites who had sinned against their God.

At some point Jeremiah says “This is what the Lord says:’ What fault did your fathers find in me that they strayed so far from me?’ Later on as the story progresses God says to Jeremiah, “They have turned their backs to me and not their faces; yet when they are in trouble they say ‘come save us!’.Then again God asks a question, “Have I been a desert to Israel or a land of great darkness?”