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Thursday 15 August 2013

I come Prepared

 May I not see her when I cross her path, may I not hear her when she calls from across the street. May she be far from me always, may I not comprehend the things she says to me, may I not understand her gestures and her meanings. The woman with ill intention.

I like to look a man in the face when he speaks to me, you can tell what they mean and don’t mean, when they hide and where they pretend. And for women it is but the same. She speaks with an intention to deceive me. Her eyes smile as she looks me directly in the eye with her mouth curled into a mischievous smile. She croons softly, seductively. She says one thing but means another.  She suggests things and actions with the speech of her words and body. She raises her voice in the street, that its timbre will cause you to turn.

She flashes her breasts at me when I meet her in the street. She purses her lips, wiggles her hips and flatters
her eyelids. She touches me gently on the shoulder to calm my nerves and foil my senses. She bends her head to one side and then to the other. She moves a step closer so I can smell her perfume and the oil in her hair. She shakes my hand and won’t let go. When she sits down she opens her legs and skirt that I might look between her thighs. This woman bent on mischief.

She dresses to catch the attention and to maintain it. A trap for the greedy among men and those without wisdom. She reveals the long length of her shapely legs, some of her outfits let you see through the fabric. She binds her buttocks in tight cloth that you may see their fine outline and be discomforted. She emphasizes bright colour and a great fashion sense to which she adds the
attitude and mannerisms of a harlot. She will entice you by the string of her underwear she deliberately leaves visible for you to see.
She covers not her arms or other orifices of her body as if they should in propriety be covered up but if at all as if it is a nuisance and she dressed hurriedly just to get it over with.

Her intentions are simple but yet complicated.  She wants only to please you, to excite you, to thrill your senses and drown your nerves in her perfume. Per chance she wants to fool you, deceive you, mislead you, cause you to sin. Then she wants what is in your pocket, every coin of it, including that which is not coin.
At first she only wants your attention, next she requires your love. When she has gotten you to the level of unsuspecting or worse stupid she will demand your life, to bind you to herself for the rest of your life. At worst she will lead you to the depths of hell and leave you there, “none who ever go to her ever return”(Prov 2:19).

And she is relentless, she knows no retreat, she will not surrender. She will try her luck with you today, tomorrow she will encourage you some more and the next day she will open up to you some more, all to force you into the trap that are her arms. This is the one described as “the woman who is more bitter than death”(Ecc 7:26).

I see her coming from afar. Her intentions I discern from a distance, her motives I know. When she walks towards me I turn around the way I came, across the street I go as fast as my feet will honour me to run. She speaks with milk and honey dripping from her tongue and each of her words, as if to a child she gives false explanations and reasonings. She thinks she is being seductive but her voice and mannerisms and attempt to seduce grit on my nerves. She thinks I do not know what she is doing but I clearly perceive, she thinks me without wisdom but she couldn’t be more wrong. 

This is the sort that causes the weeping and gnashing of teeth. Yes she will bring you problems that will dry
up your bones, make your days too long and your nights too short. She will wring you dry of all you have and then she will get you to loose your soul. Such is the way of the wayward woman, the one with mischief in her mind, she who speaks deceit and utters lies, the one who flatters with her tongue and eye and it is all a lie. She will tie you around her finger and have you eating from the palm of her hand. “Only those who please God can escape her clutches”(Ecc 7:26) .

May she be far from me indeed, let me behave wisely and in a perfect way, let me walk in my house with a perfect heart. May I set nothing wicked before my eyes, may a perverse heart depart from me. Let me never endure her charms, illusions, lies, flattery, mischief and folly. May my eyes be on the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me, may she who walks in a perfect way serve me. She who works deceit shall not dwell within my house; she who tells lies shall not continue in my presence.
O Lord save us from the paths of the wicked woman, do not abandon us to her will or her devices, let her not overcome our souls. Preserve your children on the earth, save yourself a remnant for the New Jerusalem. Help all men across the ages, both great and small, young and old, for it is us who suffer that which Adam suffered, the time he laid eyes on Eve.


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