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Tuesday 23 July 2013

The Institute of Satanic Propaganda

I have often wondered what the Devil’s offices in charge of ‘Human Affairs’ look like, most especially the Propaganda Department under that institution. I have imagined the Propaganda Department as having one division in charge of creating Anti-Jesus rhetoric, another division in charge of packaging said material in various user-friendly formats and another division in charge of distributing the material to people across the globe at scheduled times.

One other department under the devils Human Affairs Institute that has earned my interest and respect is the department in charge of ‘Human Mind Control’. There I have been. The guys who work there, or rather demons, I must say are really impressive. The quality of their work is admirable; they are very persistent, they are very persuasive and they work on even when they know they can’t win, you just have to admire their spirit. It’s as if the devil has a whip to their backs and they are afraid he will whip them if they do not work their hardest.

This then is the work of the Department in charge of Human Mind Control: 1) To convince you beyond reasonable doubt that the existence of the devil is a lie. 2) To turn your mind from acknowledging that that wrong thing you are doing is sin and into thinking that it is normal human behavior, that your actions do not matter and that there are no consequences to the things you do. 3) To convince you that God does not exist and if he does he is too busy to care about you or love you. 4)To keep you believing that it is more profitable for you to keep busy at work, social gatherings, school and in other time-consuming activities than to seek God and his righteousness so that you will spend all your time doing everything but seeking God.

The Department in charge of Human Mind Control has an agent or officer per each of its four tasks for every living person. One officer works only at making you believe the existence of the devil is a lie. Another one works only at convincing you that you can do whatever you like in life without the fear of punishment. Another officer works only at convincing your mind that God does not exist and if you resist him he will work on convincing you that God does not care about you or love you. The final agent or officer works at nothing but keeping you busy all the time so much so that you have no time for prayer, worship, reading the bible or even thinking about God. If a human being proves to be particularly difficult in one area of the four, more officers or agents are assigned to that area. These agents are professionals, they do their work well. But like all propaganda, no matter how sweet or convincing, it can not completely nor eternally silence the truth.

The only reason why the devil’s Human Affairs Institute can never win, and therefore is admired for working on tirelessly despite knowing this, is that their opponent is greater than they. The institute’s officials know it too and it makes their bones shiver every time they think of him, hear of him or encounter him. He is the one they call ‘The Bringer of Truth’. The devil’s institute in charge of Human Affairs  has been at it for centuries, working and working tirelessly, trying unsuccessfully to overcome and snuff out the ’Bringer of Truth’. Of all their strategies and tactics, they have never worked out a solution yet that silences him completely. Some efforts work for a while and to their credit they win once or twice but their ratio of success in comparison to the “Bringer of Truth” is 60%-40%, the department being at 40%.

The devil’s Institute in charge of Human Affairs has never understood why they always fail to supersede the ‘Bringer of Truth’. After all, the work of the institute is superb; to-date they manage to turn a man’s mind from thinking that a thing is evil into thinking it is okay and has no consequence then into actually doing it with great joy. Not only that, their propaganda is widely and very easily accessible that even years after you encounter it you can bring it back with just a thought. So you could be in church in body but in spirit be under a tree fornicating with the woman in the next pew in various sexual positions you learnt years back in a magazine. What is even more frustrating to the institute is that their material is in high definition colour picture, in sound, and even in the written word using the hands of the most skilled of men and the most recent technology yet they still fail to win.

This then is how the Bringer of Truth wins every time, he told me this himself when I met him right after I left the Institute’s offices. Even though the ‘Bringer’s’ messages and material are shouted on every corner, in every street, on the roadside, in every home, every bedroom, on the rooftops, in the darkest of corners, in the simplest of ways, in the brightest of colours just like those of the devil’s institution, the ‘Bringer of Truth’ has an advantage or two. For apparently the truth is already in the hearts of men when they are born whereas they acquire wickedness later on. So the ‘Bringer’ is only amplifying what is already there rather  than trying to plant new seeds and can therefore be said to have a head-start every time.
The other advantage, consequently, that the ‘Bringer’ has is that since every man’s heart is naturally inclined to truth even when the devil’s Human Affairs Institute’s propaganda is planted into the hearts of men, every time truth comes it uproots the propaganda since it feels unnatural and the natural (truth) is planted firmer and stronger than before. Even though the devil’s agents try again they can succeed only for a time before they give way again to truth.

After considering all these things I came up with the following conclusion: Every human heart knows what is right, what is fitting, what is just, what is righteous, and what is commendable in relation to men and God. Though the human mind may deceive the heart for a while into thinking wrong is right on account of the work of the Devil ‘Institute charge de Human Affaires’, the heart will by way of a guilty conscience, a feeling of having done wrong, show one their error. So every man will answer to God for his own actions, the wickedness of his own ways. Love what is right, do good and act justly, the heart with wisdom says to all men. He who has an ear let him hear.

My next stop is, excitingly, the devil’s ‘ Institute of Sorcery, Folly and Intentional Accidents’, I have been promised a tour of the operations by which magic is used to prematurely end human life, bring disaster to it through disease, war, and famine, as well as block the spiritual, financial, emotional and physical progress of a human being. It’s quite a privilege and should be very interesting and educational an endeavor.


  1. waoh!! thanks allot for the encouraging and enlightening read brother!! God bless you!!!
    you such a blessing to us!!!!

    1. Thanks Shaigo, for the blessing and for sparing time to read. Your encouragement adds flame to our fire. takunyadilani


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