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Tuesday 23 April 2013

The Anti-Satan Drug

Christianity is like the Anti-Retroviral (ARV) Drug. Whether you take it or not is your choice. If it does not kill you then it will definitely lead you to a better state of health. If you do not take it you will die and if you take it you will experience a better state of health than if you hadn’t, and then you will die.
And yes the drug must be taken for the rest of your life. If you at any moment cease to take your medication then you will be far worse off than if you had not taken the drug in the first place. It must be taken appropriately, too much can kill you and too little will not help you.

The drug must be taken with a strict diet of good strong foods for it to be effective. It must not be taken with alcohol nor with promiscuous sex, nor skipped, nor must it be taken anyhow you like whenever you feel like it. Even when you forget to take it at the right time you must still make sure you manage to take it as soon as possible.

Like any other drug it has side effects. Some side effects are minor and bearable while others are a torment and unbearable, if you endure your treatment however you are guaranteed a far healthier life than if you were on the other side and not taking the drug.

Since man is imperfect he will at some point manage to miss taking his drugs or will do something that is in
conflict with his treatment. Others recover from this if they turn from this wrong path and resume their treatment as according to prescriptions, others will return to treatment and will see their health dwindle further and further until they are no more.

The drug has two alternative choices it gives a man: If you do not want to take the drug you can either not take it and risk the future , or you can follow a strict diet of immune boosting additives which will ensure that your health stays at a certain point.

The drug does not promise to cure you but tells you “you will certainly die but here is a way you can live a proper life till that happens.” Naturally some agree with the medication and some do not. If the medication agrees with your body system then you have the eternal struggle of ensuring you take your meds. And if does not agree with you woe to you as well. Catch 22, whichever way you go you will experience struggle and some hardship.

Apart from taking the drug you will have to see a doctor who will constantly keep an eye on how your health is doing, how the drug is affecting your liver and other appendages of your body. If you meet your doctor regularly it will go well with you as he directs and corrects you time after time.

There are many who take the drug but no one can take it for someone else. Each one is responsible for taking his own medication. There are many who take the drug but not all of them will receive its healing.

Knowledge of how the drug must be taken is shared to only those who choose to take it for only they can understand what it is that they are told. The new-born infant has taken the drug, the middle aged has taken the drug, and the old and grey have taken the drug. Male and female have all taken it.

This then is Christianity: It is your choice to take it or not. If you take it it will heal your life even if it may not cure your soul. Your life will be healthier and your spirit at peace. If you don’t then your soul will die for the fire of hell will overtake and hungrily consume thee.

Once you have taken it you must not turn back and stop taking the pill that is Christianity. If you stop it is written “ he who returns to his sins after being saved will be in a far worse state than he was at the beginning before he was saved”.

The Christianity medication must be taken with a dedication to a strict diet of good strong foods: prayer , constant repentance, continued reading of the bible, and obedience towards instructions given. It must be taken in good measure, too much will destroy you and too little will be useless to you. Yes it is written “Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise, why destroy yourself ?  Do not be overwicked, and do not be a fool-- why die before your time? It is good to grasp the one and not let go of the other. The man who fears God will avoid all [extremes].(Ecc 7:16-18)”

If you lose your way, you are required to resume your path as soon as you remember you forgot your medication, if you wait too long it might be too late, if you hurry the harm done will be minimal. There is only a limited amount of times you can lose your way, at some point it will be impossible for you to return if you stray.

Christianity has side effects, some bearable some unbearable. You will be required to turn from some of your wicked ways, you may be required to lessen the alcohol intake and to control your sexual appetite. You will lose friends and family, you will be embarrassed, you might even be hated, shunned, laughed at and jeered at. But if you feel the healing it brings to your soul is worth it then these will all be small things to bear.

Like the ARV you have two other choices apart from Christianity: You can either not take Christianity and go  on living your life or (2) you can hand yourself over to the devil to do his evil works and mischief. Either way this be the guarantee to you that both roads lead to the fire of hell and the devil is hungrily rubbing his palms together in glee, with his tongue hanging out and drooling, in anticipation of the day he will lay his hands on you there where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Being a Christian does not guarantee you that you will not die. Being saved today neither guarantees you that you will enter the kingdom of heaven. It only shows you the sort of proper life Jehovah wants you to live and depending on how you adapt to that will it be decided whether or not you are worthy to enter the kingdom of heaven. 

There are some among men to whom Christianity will come naturally and others who will not agree with it. Like medication it agrees with some and others it has no effect on but a damaging one. Remove your evil nature and wear instead Christianity, obeying the God you choose with all your heart, soul and spirit, fearing him and loving him above all else and you will have adapted well. But some will rather continue their sin even when they are clothed in Christianity. Yes it is written, “many are called but few are chosen”.

Apart from taking Christianity you will have to rely on Gods strength, guidance and wisdom. In this case he is the doctor regularly showing you which way to go and what to do. If you choose your own way of being a Christian it will not end well for you. Each one is responsible for his own state of Christianity no one is responsible for your growth and strength as a Christian but you, observe what you have been taught.

Knowledge of what Christianity really is and how to be a good Christian is only shared by the Spirit of God to those who sincerely turn their lives to being Christians. And it does not matter what age you are for like the ARV all are welcome, the new born infant, the teenager, the middle-aged, and the old and grey haired.

It is written: “Happy are those who have no doubts about me.

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