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Tuesday 23 April 2013

The Anti-Satan Drug

Christianity is like the Anti-Retroviral (ARV) Drug. Whether you take it or not is your choice. If it does not kill you then it will definitely lead you to a better state of health. If you do not take it you will die and if you take it you will experience a better state of health than if you hadn’t, and then you will die.
And yes the drug must be taken for the rest of your life. If you at any moment cease to take your medication then you will be far worse off than if you had not taken the drug in the first place. It must be taken appropriately, too much can kill you and too little will not help you.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Fashion, Pretty girls and Old friends in the Church

I admit I go to church for a number of really stupid reasons. Firstly, I go to church to catch up on the latest fashions, what’s hot-what’s not-what works with what. It’s so entertaining seeing all those men and women all dressed up in eye-catching outfits, walking down the aisle in single file to give their offering. Clothes, shoes, amazing hairdo’s, accessories, class and good taste, it’s all there. Hell I’m never going to be invited to the FAME Malawi Fashion Week and you definitely have to pay to see people dressed up at a fashion show so yeah I might as well just see it for free at the church. They are all poised, trying to make a dignified and graceful walk past me, aware of how fine they look. It’s such a beautiful sight, so captivating, except of course those few who make very bad fashion choices and look horrible.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

How to marry an Angel and a Demon

Sometimes I feel like I have found me a wife, the right person to marry. And sometimes I feel like I could do better. How do you know who is the right person to marry? How does one find the perfect partner when all human beings are by design flawed?

And they say go with your gut or instincts and others say trust your heart to know the right person but currently my gut and heart are very useless for they are just as confused as I am. Sure there are a lot of things I like about her but then there are a lot of other things I do not like as well. How do you strike a balance? How can you be sure you will live the rest of your life with peace of mind over any decision you make now, for or against?