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Friday 27 April 2012

So you know what you're doing after all...

I have yet proven again that my God is no fool. I visited Patricia Kaliati and she gave me no job. Then I went to Bright Malopa and he gave me no job. I begged for work from top management, middle men and bottom men and still no one had compassion on me enough to give me a job.

But my God knew all along what he was doing. For he knew any favours or help I would gain from these men would not last. For he was about to change the way things were done. He was about to change the leadership, turn the country upside down and change those who benefitted from the fruit of the land with those who had grown skinny and had not been considered.

The veil has been lifted from my face, I am now able to see, I have been given understanding and the ability to see why my God did the things he did. Those new Government Ministers that have been chosen into the new positions will not come alone you see. There will be a ripple effect. Those Ministers will bring their family, friends and loved ones into positions where the soup is sweetest. And these in turn will bring their own loved ones, family and friends wherever they can. Since the change in Ministers affects 70% of the cabinet it’s safe to say such a change predicted will be widespread.

So my God foresaw these things and wanted to give me something that would last rather than satisfy for a few months and then have me back banging at His door. For if I had received aid then where would I be now when such a change in office bearers is taking place? Wouldn’t I be one of those being told to pack and go?

I still haven’t gotten the job I seek but I have been given the favour of understanding why my God did not answer me when I cried night and day when I called upon his name and why he was so determined not to answer me. It was all for my own good!

So if you are failing to break through and you are wondering why all your best efforts amount to nothing to change your circumstances know that He who has all wisdom knows what he is doing. As my grandfather always says ‘nothing happens for no reason’. Hold your faith, keep steady, he hears you more than you will ever know. In time you will come to know why you are going through the stuff you are. For my God loves to show you so that you know the answers to these questions of yours. He cares for you.

Thank you Jehovah, I am honoured that you would think so highly of me that you show your hand to me like this and remove the veil from mine eyes that I see clearly the reason for my pain. Truly you are God and the only one at that. Like I always say “if Jehovah is not the only true God then I am a monkeys uncle.”

PS: Patricia Kaliati was then the Minister of Information and Bright Malopa the Director General of the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC). Both are currently out of a job, they both were among the very first to be replaced by new President Mrs Joyce Banda.

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