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Tuesday 7 January 2014

The “One God” Theory

Every religion claims that it worships the true God and that there is one God under the sun. Humans add to this and say “there is one God but that men worship this God differently, so live and let live, let the religions live side by side peacefully.” Yet others say what differs is the name given to the God alone.  When one adds these three statements together one comes off with the view that “there is one God but what varies is the way men of the earth worship Him, to each his own.”

Well, I hold personal reservations to that point of view. In my opinion, to say that is to say that those people who worship cattle, who pray to the ancestors, and who bow to the elements (sun and moon) are all praying to the same God. Blasphemy!

Shall we say that those in the bible who sacrificed their children to that which they called “Molech” by burning them in the fire were worshipping the same God I am? Shall we say that those who shiver and tremble in the worship of the dark arts (sorcery, witchcraft) are worshipping the same God I am worshipping? Shall we say that those who pray to the spirits of their forefathers are worshipping the same God I am?

If we say that then we are saying that Hindu’s, Muslims,  Scientologists, Buddhists, Christians, and atheists are all worshipping one God but in different ways. Travesty…

Are we saying that the Lord God, Buddha, Baal, Beelzebub, Satan are all one and the same but are known
by different names? Does that mean then that God is fighting himself when we say God is fighting the devil? Isn’t that like a dog chasing its own tail, going round and round in circles? Looking at the Christian bible are we saying when God fought the prophets of Baal, and commanded the destruction of the places of worship to other gods, He was doing damage to himself like the person who slashes his wrists to commit suicide? I personally do not believe that God is bent on destroying himself and is in need of psychiatric help.

I remember the words of Moses to the Israelites: "Hear, O Israel! Yahweh is our God, Yahweh is one!" (Deuteronomy 6:4). Yes Moses told the Israelites “God is one”. What then did he mean? He meant that there was only one God yes, and that is only in as far as the Israelites were taught who he was and how to worship Him. If I recall my Sunday school lessons properly, the people of Israel were only taught of one God and not several, and were all told to worship him in one way and not in several.

Now modern man says, “Mulungu ndi mmodzi”. I agree there is only one God under the sun and any other thing that is held up by man on earth, in the skies, in the seas or in the air is not God. And the God I know gave specific instructions on how the people who fear him shall worship and respond to him and these instructions did not include bowing to Buddha, bowing seven or more times to Allah, practicing witchcraft, or offering sacrifices to a cow, the devil, the sun or the moon.

The next time you hear someone say there is one God the thought that should run in your head is “true, there is one God under the sun”. Should that person then say that we worship that God in different states (as Allah, Buddha or a cow) and in our own different ways your mind should go “No. My God can only be worshipped in one way and that is the way he instructs us to worship Him in the Bible: according to His will, by obedience to His commands, and prayer to Him alone.”

Shall we bow down to the Sun, the moon and the stars, living things and the things we make with human hands and say we are worshipping God in our own way? What does the word of God say about that?

“You shall not make for yourself a graven/crafted image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or anything that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments” (Deut 5:8-10).

Having read these things I want you to think upon these facts: 1) Hindus worship cows, Buddhist monks bow before a golden image of a man that they have made with their own hands, Muslims hold rituals that are regulated by the appearance of the moon, some Asians offer prayers to their ancestors, some Africans devote themselves to sorcery. 2) And some people worship their work or skill, their beauty, their property, their lovers, or their dreams.
All these are forms of worship to a god that they believe in. But the God of all creation never asked to be worshipped in any of these ways. How then can the God of these people and your God and my God be the same God?!!!

It all means that among all these people someone is worshipping an idol, a god that is not real or true. I urge you to examine yourselves and determine what and who you believe in. When you find that being, weigh and measure if He is the true God or not!  The true God does not need me or any man to stand and point you to Him to prove He exists, He does that very well by Himself, if you seek Him sincerely you will definitely find Him.

Finally let me draw your attention to the Hindu religion. The Hindu religion has 33 million gods. Add to that  the Buddhist god, the Muslim god, the Greek gods, the pagan gods, and the Christian God and you will reach a total of about 50 or so million gods. I think it’s silly to say that all these 50 million gods, in all the different ways they are worshipped, are one being. All in all, God reveals himself to each individual in a different way. Let us then worship the God that has revealed himself to us, in the ways He asks us to worship Him. In my experience, it is only Yahweh who has revealed himself to me as God, worthy of honour and praise. And this same being shows me how He desires me to worship him and in that manner so do I worship Him as best as I can!

Do not be fooled, there is one God yes but each is not free to worship Him as he pleases. Rather seek to keep the commandments, laws, decrees and requirements He asks of you in the Bible. He himself will bear witness to these words I speak as to whether I speak falsely or in truth. And what is He called? He will tell you Himself what His name is! May He have mercy on us all.

Let this manuscript bear witness that I have done my job. (Ezekiel 2:7)

1 comment:

  1. James RUS2:53 pm

    Yes the is the truth that there is one God in the essence of God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. But they are ONE


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