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Thursday 14 February 2013

Once upon a Beautiful Man

Every once in a while I admit to myself that there are beautiful men in this world. Not good-looking or handsome but beautiful. Just as there are women who walk in a room and turn male and female heads there are men in this world gifted with goods that make man and woman alike stare. You look at them and they are just so perfect, so smart, so appetizing to the taste-buds of the eyes. You think to yourself, if he is a man then who am I? Is it an angel I see or am I dreaming dreams?

As much as I appreciate the beautiful men in my society and my world I have never been driven to desire them as I would a woman. Of all my sinful thoughts and sinful lusts never have I desired to have sexual relations with a fellow man. The thought just never occurred to me. 

Yet there are men out there who will have it no other way and will not rest till they get their hands on a fellow man. You see these men mostly in the movies too. In about 70% of the movies being made now there’s at minimum at least on gay man. And in Malawi I hear the gay movement is alive. So we can safely assume that in your lifetime you will work with at least 1 gay man, chat with him, share a meal or share a sorrow. These people have permeated the society and the workplace. I hear in other places there is even a church for gay men, there are gay clergy men and even gay parents.

Now if these gay men and women every once in a while go to church then they are subject to the law of Jehovah. For the mosque has Allah, Rasta’s have their Tabernacle, and Buddha has a temple but only the Lord Almighty, Jehovah has the church as a place where people come worship Him. Now if there is any man or woman who calls himself gay, homosexual, lesbian, queer or whatever, here is what the word of Jehovah the living God says to you: “No man shall have sexual relations with a fellow man nor a woman with a fellow woman! (Leviticus 18:22)”

At this point I wonder whether there is anyone at the European Union or United Nations who has ever read the Holy Bible. Though most take their oaths by it most of the people in these institutions are in the forefront pushing gay rights, introducing strange concepts in innocent minds when their bible preaches the opposite, hypocrites!  Those who cause others to sin will have a greater punishment than the sinner.

And a million reasons are given for why people commit homosexual acts. One says Chromosomes this, another Genes that and yet another claims it is because of the way he/she was raised. Science points to a person’s history and says “it’s natural, it’s biological”. Woe to the human being for this scientific folly that urges him to believe man evolved from a Proboscis monkey and that it is only natural for a man to sleep with another man will lead him to destruction! If it is a natural thing then why does the bible say the first man on earth recorded, Adam, was given a woman and told to multiply and fill the earth? Doesn’t it touch your heart when you see what a man and woman can create when they lye together, the beauty of the life that is created?

If you are a homosexual man REPENT and ask for forgiveness from God. For He promises to “forgive the vilest of sinners”. If you don’t want to believe me or don’t want to pay heed to this message then know this: You will remember reading this message and will wish you had paid attention when Jehovah judges you, when your life ends and you find yourself in the lake of fire which He promises any man who does not obey his will. You know deep deep in the depths of your heart there is something wrong with you sleeping with a fellow man when there are so many women around that you question your way of life. Let it go, get on your knees and pray, cry and beg Jehovah for forgiveness. For it is a frightening thing to fall into the hands of the living God and the wrath of God who can bear? You so do not want to put Him to the test.


  1. Anonymous2:09 pm

    chriastianity has this. Islam has a law on this, but when implied u stand up and say moslems are merciless. i think this is one of the reasons why the incumbent Pope is resigning. no true moslem i think will push a gay/lesibean issue. its so sad.

  2. Aye, that's the way it goes. Even the Christian bible tells how we should deal with this issue but there you have the modern church blessing gay marriages.Anyway, God be the judge of all of us. Thank you for sparing time to read.


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