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Wednesday 27 February 2013

A Life well Lived

The Corporate /working world is overrated. Think about it, if you get to work for 20 years and get to build a mansion and have all the wealth you wanted who does your life benefit but yourself, your family and friends, and sometimes maybe the odd stranger? So, if you are working for a company this is all you could ever be, ever achieve.

When you work for God however the value of your life exceeds merely providing for your needs, the needs of your family and friends, and bits of charity here and there. When you work for God you reach out to strangers, some people you don’t know and some you will never meet. So you achieve much much more than you would if you worked a 7am to 5pm job for the same number of years, say 20.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Fight for Us!

When you find your wife or husband in bed with another man or woman there’s only two ways you can react. You can either loose it and beat the Bloody Mary’s out of the guy trying to fit into your shoes or you can be overwhelmed with shock and just decide to leave. The next step after this though must be thought out very carefully before you take it.

Suppose you decide to pack your things and leave the marriage. Biblically you are within your rights to leave  as the bible allows you to divorce a cheating spouse(Matthew 19:9), my interpretation. But before you leave ask yourself, if you are so ready to leave the life you had with your partner, all the things you have been through together just like that then was that relationship worth anything to you at all?

Thursday 14 February 2013

Once upon a Beautiful Man

Every once in a while I admit to myself that there are beautiful men in this world. Not good-looking or handsome but beautiful. Just as there are women who walk in a room and turn male and female heads there are men in this world gifted with goods that make man and woman alike stare. You look at them and they are just so perfect, so smart, so appetizing to the taste-buds of the eyes. You think to yourself, if he is a man then who am I? Is it an angel I see or am I dreaming dreams?

As much as I appreciate the beautiful men in my society and my world I have never been driven to desire them as I would a woman. Of all my sinful thoughts and sinful lusts never have I desired to have sexual relations with a fellow man. The thought just never occurred to me. 

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Silence not a Virtue

I have been silent for about 8 months. In the time I have been away from you I have stolen a carpet, stolen an extension cable, participated in corrupting the Road Traffic Department, taken money that wasn’t mine. I have wished evil on several people, been filled with anger and fury over trivial matters, been impatient with men when I should have known better, and have imagined several women naked. Yes I have been very busy and very naughty.

All this I did while I was still a Christian, all these while I was still a servant of God. Yes I still believe in God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit but not the Holy Catholic Church (I donno what the HCC is even though it is in the Apostle’s Creed). So the question now arises: If I as a believing, practicing, spirit-filled Christian did all these things and fell into such folly how different am I from the average guy on the street who doesn’t care about God? To ask it differently, how am I different from you, him or her there?