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Tuesday 19 August 2014

He said, she said, they said, I heard

Am sick and tired of being sick and tired of all of you. Liars, backbiters, tale-bearers, busybodies. You brood of vampires and vipers who feed off the lives of others. You waste my time. Mind your own business.

I get tired of listening to what they have to say. One comes and says “I heard your Uncle was caught doing this, that, and other”. Another comes and says “your Aunt was caught red handed with another man, pants down and bent over”. Yet another comes and says “your Grandfather has a second family in another country” etc.

Thursday 14 August 2014

Fool Fool Boy

I heard it through the office grapevine, a disturbing piece of news. Apparently, I am planning to buy a car. Apparently, someone told my boss, who told someone else, who told me. A Nissan Tiida, so I hear. I would be inclined to disbelieve the gossip but the one who told me was a reliable source. Well, as reliable as human beings can be.