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Tuesday 21 May 2013

The Angel that Weeps for the Sons of Men

She says that she hates me and never will speak to me again. She says that for the tears she cried all night over me I will certainly pay. She says may God forgive me and what goes around comes around. She says if she dies her spirit will haunt me forever.

I look down at my feet in shame and sadness. I know I should never have broken the heart of someone who loved me so greatly. And yet I let her go out of her own best interest for rather than let her keep receiving an incomplete love I wanted her to receive a love that was complete and not that which felt like it was being squeezed from a stone.

I guess she is right though, it is all my fault. I should never have asked her out in the first place. But how do I tell her that when I met her I believed we could be more than what we came to be and that later on I realized it never was going to happen for the person she was could never ever be the person my heart desired to love no matter how many changes or improvements were made.

She would rather she didn’t hear me say I wanted out. But I know my unhappiness would only end up  making her unhappy in the future if I kept her knowing I was not satisfied. Somehow I feel I did the right thing, cause if she has cursed me and cried that much after only 5 months how much more curses would I have received and how much more would she have cried at the end of 1 year, 2 years, 3 years or even 4? It was always going to happen, I saw it so clearly and it broke my heart for it wasn’t her fault, she did nothing wrong. It was just the way it was.

So will my God judge me for making her cry? For making an innocent soul see such torment and pain? Most definitely He will. After all, He did show he cares about how we treat others, what we do to them and against them. I do not for a second believe He likes it when he sees her crying, broken hearted and in pain nor do I think that He will take it lightly that such a thing happened.

So I urge you, the Sons of men. Be careful how you treat and what you do with the souls of the people in your life. Be careful to not grieve a human spirit, to cause it pain nor to make it cry. The one who made it will weigh your actions, measure your intentions and discern your mind. From this He will judge you in pleasure or displeasure.

Sometimes doing whats right seems so wrong and going the wrong way seems so right. With human beings its usually difficult to discern the right way to go when you feel like that. I await my judgment for it is definitely coming to me. Lord knows I never intended to make her cry but she did cry anyway didn’t she? All I know is I did what seemed best for both our souls. It grieves me that she will never understand. The word of God sometimes seems so helpless in some details concerning such complications in life. And telling her that when the Spirit of the Lord told me to move I had to move will certainly be no comfort to her. 

In prayer and supplication our paths are made straight, and may we learn from our mistakes and never commit them again. And may the Lord forgive us our sins against the souls of men and may He teach us to treat them with mercy and love at all times, taking care to act not only in manly wisdom but also in Godly wisdom and direction everytime. Yes do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

I hear the voice of one in heaven, the Angel that weeps for the souls of men, for their sins and their mistakes he wails “Jah will be waiting there, this do not doubt, Jah will be waiting there!”

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