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Wednesday 30 November 2011

Why can’t we?

I’m writing this just after witnessing Malawian Christian Rap artist, Gosple, perform at Blantyre Baptist Church, Blantyre on Saturday,26 November 2011. This show was said to be one that would revolutionize gospel shows in Malawi. I went there for several reasons other than that. I heard an artist from the UK called Jahaziel was going to perform so I went to see what he was made of, I dint even know that ‘the Gosple’ was on the list of performers. I also went there because I heard it was free, go figure.

In my opinion, the show did not disappoint. Performances were witnessed not only by Gosple and Jahaziel but also “True2daname”, KBG and Q. Malewezi. It was a fusion of poetry, and music that crossed genres: I heard Hip Hop, Rock, Reggae and Dancehall plus R’n’B and Soul music. All this without the concert skipping a beat in regards to the messages they were sending with their witty lyrics and mannerisms. It was really something, an experience I would want to re-live.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

The Pursuits of Men

In life the mortal man concerns himself with the pursuit of three things: Others dream of doing great things and gaining popularity and fame. Some seek riches so they can do anything they please in the world and have anything they desire. And the rest seek the edification or satisfaction of their bodies, to drown in pleasure and all sorts of enjoyments. Some live for all three.

Generations come and go. The young men grow old and die, babies are born to take their place. And so the cycle continues, it is endless, for the old pass on to the young the same traditions and ways of life, humanity only changes as time changes.

Friday 18 November 2011

Women are Liars by Necessity

Life, tradition and circumstances among other things naturally condition women to lie. A best case scenario that shows this clearly is this: when a guy sleeps with 10 women he is considered a true male but when a woman does the same she is frowned upon and considered loose. A good reputation is a valuable asset to women you know. So when asked how many men the woman has slept with she will answer 3 so that she will appear to be a good woman even if the number really is 7.

It’s like the expectations of society buried in tradition pressure her into telling this lie. Circumstances also pressure her into being dishonest; I mean there are 3 out of 10 men that a woman will admit to her self are good men worthy enough to settle with, do you expect her to tell 1 of these 3 that she has slept with more than 5 men? Won’t it just drive him away in fear that she is a ‘galatchana’ or whore?

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Remember All

Before the Israelites entered the land God had promised to give them, the land of Canaan, Moses charged them to ‘remember’ the Lord their God in the land He was going to give them (Deuteronomy 8).He was in effect asking them to remember the good things the Lord had done from the time that they were in Egypt to that particular time.

The Israelites of course did not obey but later on forgot their God and rebelled against him. This led them to end up having their land overtaken by foreign armies, their cities destroyed and the people sent into exile in Babylon.