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Wednesday 29 January 2014

There be Taxes in Heaven

Life is so unfair. Here I am with a blessing on my life 10 times my size yet there is someone out there who not only needs it more but deserves it much much more than me. I have blessings coming out of my nostrils and backside yet a man with 3 kids has not even a quarter of what I have been given as my life stands right now.

I sit and ask myself,” Am I more worthy than they who are not as fortunate as me?”

Tuesday 7 January 2014

The “One God” Theory

Every religion claims that it worships the true God and that there is one God under the sun. Humans add to this and say “there is one God but that men worship this God differently, so live and let live, let the religions live side by side peacefully.” Yet others say what differs is the name given to the God alone.  When one adds these three statements together one comes off with the view that “there is one God but what varies is the way men of the earth worship Him, to each his own.”