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Thursday 15 December 2011

It was only a Kiss

When I was somewhere around twelve years old I read a part of scripture that said the following: “‘When a man has an emission of semen, he must bathe his whole body with water, and he will be unclean till evening “(Leviticus 15:16). As a young boy who was just discovering sex and experimenting, it really bothered me why a truly righteous God would call something that happened naturally unholy.

What complicated things was the fact that it was beyond my control. Anybody who knows the male body system will tell you that Semen will come out of the male body whether you like it or not. Either you will have sex with some girl under some tree somewhere. Or if you can abstain and will refrain from touching yourself, the sperm will build up in the body and one night when you are asleep it will come out of its own accord through a wet dream and that’s just irrepressible. It’s just a guy thing.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

I am Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg, the guy who conceptualized Facebook from scratch, the guy who wrote every detail and created every feature onto the very first Facebook web pages people ever saw, after  working on a website at Harvard College that rated  female students there against each other in terms of beauty noticed one very interesting thing. He noticed that his website had a great audience because people went there to see other people they knew, who were in their circle of friends. This then became the central focus of what later was created after, Facebook.

He was right, the main attraction of Facebook is that we go there to chat with our friends, see their pictures, and see what’s happening in their lives. In short the reason we habit such social networks is so we can share the lives of our friends rather than the lives of those we do not know. It’s like the lives of the people we see are an extension of our own lives. We live a particular part of life through them.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Achy-Breaky Hearts

 Many men alive today have lived inside a dream before, where all things are possible and there isn’t a care in the world. It’s called ‘Innocence of Youth’. At this point in life the human being’s problems aren’t that many or are non-existent so life is good. One lives for the moment, having the times of his life. At every opportunity he chases pleasure and has as much fun as possible. He is oblivious to the pain of those around him. The future looks bright and life is as good as it can get.

Then one day the bubble bursts! The unconscious mind is jolted as the box of life is stirred. A bad medical report tells them they will not after all live forever. A pregnant girlfriend tells them their days of fun are over and they need to start planning for a family. Or the death of a badly loved relation reaches out, grasps their heart and squeezes so very hard that their breathe is stopped for a time.